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Xiangyang Brigade belongs to Huojiazhuang Commune.

Located in the northeast of the motherland, the winter is cold and long. In late December, the ground is covered with snow.

At this time of year in previous years, most villagers stayed indoors, but this year is a little different.

Because Huo Xiao, the most promising man in the village, died more than three months ago, his body is still warm, and his new college student wife abandoned the old and the young at home and ran away.

And she ran away with the money.

How shocking!

How rare!

The topic is as hot as the New Year and other festivals.

Look, there have been many people in the Huo family these days.

Of course, most people are well-intentioned.

For example, Zhang Meihua, Huo Xiao's third aunt, has been worried about Huo Xiao's mother, her eldest sister-in-law Hu Xiu, ever since her nephew's wife ran away. She has almost taken root in her sister-in-law's room.

"Meihua, go back. I'm much better." After the people who watched the excitement today left, Hu Xiu half leaned on the kang bed and checked the grandchildren who were sleeping with rosy faces. After making sure that they had not wet the kang, she persuaded her sister-in-law to go back in a weak voice.

Zhang Meihua was tall and strong, with an honest face. At this moment, she was sitting cross-legged at the end of the kang, with a dustpan filled with hairy chestnuts in her hand, and she was skilled in peeling the hairy shells.

Hearing this, she glanced at her sister-in-law who looked much older, and said gloomily: "You will still do the same work when you go back. It doesn't matter where you are."

Since the news of her nephew's death came back, the eldest sister-in-law fell ill for two or three months. After she recovered, her daughter-in-law got into trouble again. The beautiful woman before has white hair and has become as thin as a stick.

She is not good at speaking and can't say nice things. She is afraid that the eldest sister-in-law will be upset, so she can only keep a close eye on her.

In addition, since she is here, those gossipers will be more cautious because her husband is the accountant of the brigade.

Hu Xiu had lived with her sister-in-law for decades, so she could not help but persuade her: "I still have to raise Miaomiao and Guoguo, so I won't let her down."

Yes, Zhang Meihua stretched her head and took a curious look at the white and plump twins. Just as she was about to say something, the thick wooden door was pushed open with a "creak!" sound.

The second sister-in-law Chen Guilan's slightly shrill voice followed: "Sister-in-law, the old secretary is here to see you."

Compared to the third sister-in-law Zhang Meihua, who was strong and dull, the second sister-in-law, who was sandwiched in the middle, was thin and strong.

As soon as the pretty face appeared in front of the two, she started talking: "Sister-in-law, I'm not saying anything bad about you, you're just too soft-hearted. Why should we save face for the girl from the Ru family? People in the village said she must have run away, otherwise how could she be missing so much money and clothes? I say, why would you look for a daughter-in-law like her? Let her elope or remarry, the most important thing is to ask the Eu family to return the money. Oh, and pay compensation!"

She also wanted to say that if the sister-in-law really despised the money, she could give it to their family. Unlike the only child in the sister-in-law's family, Chen Guilan gave birth to six children and their life was very tight.

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