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Hu Xiu is a particular person.

Nowadays, the environment is bad, there is a lack of clothes and it is cold, so most villagers only take a bath on the eve of the Spring Festival throughout the winter.

If they can't bear it, they will wipe it with a hot towel at most.

Of course, there are some individuals who love cleanliness. They can't say they wash every day, but at least once every three to five days.

Hu Xiu is one of them.

For this reason, the Huo family also separated a two or three square meter bathroom in the kitchen.

They also asked an old craftsman to make a bathtub.

When Ru Ting came, she was very afraid of the cold, so she moved her toiletries in for the convenience of brushing her teeth and washing her face.

Now, after eating noodles.

Ru Ting took the kerosene lamp and went to the bathroom to brush her teeth again.

Normally, she would just rinse her mouth.

But today, she was about to share a bed with a strange husband, so she subconsciously started to pay attention to it.

After brushing her teeth, she realized what she was doing belatedly and slapped her head in frustration.

Be reserved! Be reserved!

After a long while, she calmed down and patted her face to make sure her cheeks were no longer hot, then she left the bathroom with a calm face.

But when she passed by the iron drum stove that was boiling water next to the stove, she hesitated for a few seconds, and still bent down to move the stove and the kettle to the bathroom.

It was really cold at this time. If the bathroom was not heated by a stove in advance, even an iron man would not be able to bear it.

So, when Huo Xiao packed his bag, took the clothes made by his wife and went to the bathroom and opened the door, the warmth hit him.

Huo Xiao quickly closed the door and hung up the clean clothes, and then he noticed the iron stove in the corner.

The stove was still burning, and there was a big kettle with steaming water on it.

Without thinking, Huo Xiao also knew that this was prepared by his wife.

Thinking of the new clothes he had just received from his wife, his good mood instantly spread to his eyebrows.

He took a hot bath.

Huo Xiao, who had washed away the dust, felt relaxed.

When he returned to the main room, he first looked at the west room where his mother was.

He found that the lights were off inside, guessed that the other party should be asleep, and went straight to the east room.

But when he came to the door, he was worried that his wife was not used to his sudden appearance, so Huo Xiao hesitated for a few breaths and knocked on the door to remind her.

Then he stood and waited for a few seconds before pushing the door in.

The kerosene lamp was still burning in the room.

To Huo Xiao's surprise, he thought he would see his wife who was nervous, embarrassed, or shy.

But in fact, she had fallen asleep.

Her cheeks were puffed up.

Huo Xiao sat down gently on the kang bed, looking at his wife with a bit of a smile.

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