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"Don't bring meat buns this time, or you'll be carrying a lot of bags when you come back. Pingping and Meimei are not that old, so I'm afraid they won't be able to take care of them." Hu Xiu suggested at the dinner table.

Hearing this, Ruosheng looked at her son who was almost 6 months old and lying in the cradle, and was a little hesitant: "I'm afraid it will take about ten days for me to come and go, and Roubao needs to be fed at night..."

Hu Xiu waved her hand to interrupt: "What's the matter? It's just a night waking, and you can take this opportunity to wean, otherwise what will you do after work?"

Hearing this, Ruosheng interrupted: "Sister, when you go to work, Pingping and Meimei will also have to go to school, have you thought about what to do, Roubao?"

This is exactly where Ruosheng is in trouble, but her sister is usually smart. Since she has brought it up, she must have an idea, so she doesn't embarrass herself and just asks directly.

Li Ting did have an idea: "I've inquired about it. There is a nursery in the steel factory's compound, but it only takes children over one year old. Roubao is only five months old. You can ask a reliable person from your hometown to help you in the next six months."

Hu Xiu opened her mouth and wanted to say that she could help take care of the child for half a year, and Li Ting could bring Ping Ping and Mei Mei to play every Sunday.

But before she could say anything, she was glared at by her daughter-in-law and she shut up instantly.

Li Ting frowned: "Except for our mother, who is willing to leave home with me?"

But she was not very willing, and she was reluctant. Her parents had a good relationship, and Li Ting really couldn't bear to let them separate for half a year.

Li Ting twitched her lips, and felt that her elder sister had a kind of silly beauty feeling: "Give her a salary, food and accommodation, ten yuan a month is enough, sixty yuan in half a year. By the way, you can also go to the street office to get some manual work for her to do, and she should be able to earn a total of one hundred and fifty yuan. Are you afraid that no one will be willing to do it?"

As for why she is unwilling to let her mother-in-law take care of her, Li Ting has her own ideas.

It's true that she is willing to help her elder sister, but this help must be limited.

This is the same as helping in emergencies but not in poverty.

Besides, Li Ting is her elder sister, and her mother-in-law has no need to be good to her family without any bottom line for her.

Lihuang's eyes widened: "Then someone must come. If we rely on farming alone, the whole family can't save more than 30 yuan a year."

Lihuang curled her lips: "You can ask our mother or my second brother about the candidate." We have to find an honest person, otherwise, with the eldest sister's character, I'm afraid she can't control it.

Lihuang didn't know her sister was worried, and nodded immediately after hearing it: "Okay, I'll ask them."

She has already seen that her sister's brain is really good, and it's always right to listen to her.

Huo Xiao returned to the camp at noon the next day, and most of the troops had returned.

When she heard the movement, Lihuang had no class and was preparing for the final exam in the office.

Before she could react to the commotion outside, the experienced teachers were already rushing out happily, shouting, "The heroes are back!"

After she understood what this meant, Li Ting couldn't help but be happy. She quickly put the test paper into the drawer, locked it, and quickly followed them out.

Dressed as a runaway wife from the 1960sWhere stories live. Discover now