Chapter 7 Annabeth's POV

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"Get in your positions!" Annabeth yelled at the other campers. She had a lot of bottled up emotion to let out and she was anxious to let it out. She fastened her bronze helmet upon her head, the red color of the plume standing out from the dark color of the forest. She made sure her chest plate was strapped securely.

Shoes tied? Check. Armor? Check. Weapon? Check and check.

"Alright! Let's do this! 3! 2! 1! Go!" She yelled and her team fanned out in different directions. Out of the corner of her eye, she could see Piper running beside her.

"Hey, you need help guarding?" Piper asked.

"I don't mean to sound mean, but I don't need your help." Annabeth replied.

"Hey. Two daggers are better than one" Piper replied with a grin. Annabeth rolled her eyes, but let her join her. She swore she could see Piper put a celebratory fist in the air while they leaped behind a bush, near their flag. Piper's kaleidoscope eyes sparkled with mischief. Probably glad she can finally do something fun with Annabeth. Lately all Piper has been doing is try do help Annabeth with anything she needed.

Annabeth's thoughts were interrupted when she saw two boys with brown hair and similar mischievous elfin features. Connor and Travis. They,re about to be sorry they ever even tried to get the flag. Connor rubbed his hands together, sticking his tongue out a little like he was forming a plan while he tilted back and forth.

"Alright so here's the plan. I will parkour up Zeus's fist, and then get the flag. While you stand guard. Okay?" Connor said.

"Dude no. I will get the flag while you stand guard. And honestly, you can't parkour to save your life." Travis replied with his arms crossed.

"Dude no"

"Dude yes."

This is their chance. Annabeth and Piper hopped out of the bush, jumping the two siblings out of their bickering. They held their daggers ready and pointed them at the Stolls.

"Two daggers are better than one" Piper said, quoting herself. (A/N RTTE😂)

"Oh come on!" The Stolls whined in unison. The two girls sheathed their daggers and both kicked them in the stomach because they can't harm another demigod, badly, in the game. Piper held out her fist.

"Good job" she said. Annabeth returned her gesture and hit their fists.

"Totally crushed it" Piper added. Annabeth looked at her.

"You can stop now." Annabeth said.

~~~~~~~~time skip~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
(Red team won)

Annabeth entered her cabin, sweat coated in her skin. She picked some new clothes and a towel and headed to the showers but before she could, she saw a mysterious puddle of water near the foot of her bed. She brushed it aside and headed out the door. She shut the door, causing the water to ripple.


Will that ripple cause something important? Should she take a better look into what that water was? We shall find out in the next chapter. Thanks for reading!

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