Chapter 9 Percy's POV

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Percy woke up with a gasp that shattered the silence that has consumed the cell. He was tired of waking up just to be alone and cold. And, of course, the Mother Earth he has to sass in order for her to shut up. She's in his head and he is getting annoyed.


He rose to his feet. The shackles around his wrists started to rattled and quiver. Then snap, the chains broke open and slammed to the ground. He looked around.

" Okay then" he said massaging his wrists. A malicious chuckle sounded in his head.

I have returned

Gaea's rich, soothing voice filled his head and he slowly started to lose control of himself. He tried to walk or even talk but he could do a thing.

Gaea had control.

She unsteadily hobbled him to a puddle to look at his/her reflection. What he saw made his skin crawl.

His eyes were half red. Half sea green.

He's losing control.

The battle for dominance is half won, him on the losing side.

It's just the beginning, Perseus.


Sorry for not updating for a whole week. I was just busy and this chapter was really short. Sorry. But hope you enjoyed. See you in the next chapter.

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