Chapter 15 Reyna's POV

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(A/N Bet you weren't expecting her POV. )

Reyna was devastated.

  The news of Percy had spread to Camp Jupiter just yesterday. Nico shadow traveled to camp to inform her and seemed absolutely pissed.

----Flash back to yesterday----

Reyna was sitting in her favorite spot in camp, Bacchus' garden.(A/N correct me if I'm wrong) A shadow caught her eye. She watched as it swirled, her shoulders were tense. She instinctively reached for her sword, but it was not there. She clenched her fists, ready to punch the living Pluto out of them/it. Then, popped out Nico di Angelo, stumbling on his feet. He looked smaller without his aviator jacket that he lost during the Giant War, but seeing that it was only him, Reyna put her fists down out of their punching position.

"Hey," he said casually.

"Hello..." she said. He walked over and sat on the bench she had been sitting on. After a little while, he spoke up.

"I thought I might find you here," he stated, as he looked up at her, his eyes squinted because of the sun's rays. She crossed her arms and sat down next to him.

"Why did you come? Shadow travel can be dangerous. You know what happened last time; you almost turned into a shadow," she warned. He rolled his eyes.

"Yes, mother," he said sarcastically, which ended up with a punch in the arm form Reyna," but seriously, I've heard enough warning from Will." Reyna raised an eyebrow.

"Who?" she asked. Nico face flushed the slightest bit.

"No one," he quickly said. His expression darkened.

"Nico? What's wrong?" she asked. He sighed.

"It's Percy," he said. Reyna face-palmed and sighed.

"I knew he would get himself killed one of these days," she groaned. Nico shook his head, a ghost of a smile on his lips.

"No, he's not dead," Nico said. He looked away, his eyes settled on the horizon.

"It's worse," he said hoarsely. Reyna knew what was worse than death.


----End of flashback----


Sorry it's so short. I'm having writers block so sorry. Hope you liked it so far. See you in the next one.

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