Chapter 18 Reyna's POV

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      A/N Hey! I updated.


Reyna didn't mean to beat herself up. Another quest and more drama and suspense was in the mix and she did not appreciate it. She had a feeling she had a role in this adventure. Great, she thought to herself sarcastically. She was sitting in a council meeting when her ears seem to turn off. A silence only deaf people could hear filled her head. A silence that led to paranoia. She tensed. A crazed laugh sounded in her head. She jolted in her seat as the laughing got more and more psychotic.

Get ready, Miss Praetor. No one survives the madness, a malicious, feminine voice said in her head.

Her ears seem to turn back on after that. Everyone in the room was staring at her in concern.

"Praetor?" Someone asked. She shook her head.

"I-I have to go, meeting dismissed," she replied and stormed out, her fists clenched to keep from shaking. Chills ran down her back as fear's icy grip climbed her spine like a ladder. Maybe she should sleep it off. Pffft, yeah right. I have no time for that.
"Praetor!" Reyna turned to see Dakota walking towards her. Her eyes followed him in a silent recognition.

"Are you alright? You just seem a little off," he said. Reyna nodded.

"Yeah, I'm just a little tired," she said, her throat as dry as parchment. He placed a hand in her shoulder.

"You should take a rest," he advised.

"I-I suppose that Frank can handle it, but he's visiting Camp Half-Blood," she answered. She began to walk to her next duty but Dakota stopped her.

"I'll try to contact Frank, you relax and take a little power-nap," he said.

"You're not going to leave me alone until I do, will you?" She asked. He shook his head with a smile. An annoying one. She rolled her eyes.

"Fine," she grumbled. She walked to where her bed is located in her legion.
     She collapsed in her bed and closed her eyes, not bothering to take her armor and robes off. And if course, a dream. A nightmare.
     She seemed to materialize in a pitch black area. The sky had no color but black. The ground beneath her was solid like concrete. The sky growled with thunder. Lighting struck, lighting up the place for a second. She saw faces. People. The lightning  flashed again. A face two centimeters away from her own. She jumped back, sprawled on the floor, her elbows holding her up. The face was familiar. Another flash. It was Hylla. She sighed in relief.

"Hylla," she sighed out. Wait, what's she doing here? It was dark again, but she felt that she was still there. Another burst of light. It was like a strobe light was on; one flash it was Hylla, another flash, Hylla's face turned to skull. Then, with another flash, it was back. Reyna backed away.
"What's wrong, sister?" Hylla said with her head titled to the side. Reyna saw the malicious grin on her face. The skull. It made it worse. The atmosphere didn't make her feel better. There was rain, but with no wetness. Wind, but with no sound. Trees, but with no roots. Reyna, but with no sanity. A laugh sounded within the thunder. Then the lights seemed to turn on. Instead of all black, it was all white. Hylla was no longer in front of her. Reyna looked around her. Nothing.

"Reyna," a voice said. She turned, her braid whipping off her shoulder, to her back. It was Nico. Half his face was normal, the other had completely black eyes, even the whites were black. That side was gruesome with hunger-sunken cheeks and deteriorating skin. He walked towards her. She backed away. She shook her head, repeating the word "no" over and over to the beat of her racing heart. She repeated over and over.

And over


And over


And over.


She woke up and shot up in a sweat. Nico was looking at her, concern in his normal eyes.

"Are you okay?" He asked. Reyna's mouth didn't work so she just nodded. She ran her finger through her hair and stood.

"What are you doing here?" She asked.

"I had an...experience," he answered. She nodded.

"A voice, in your head? Because I got that today," she asked. He looked at her in bewilderment.

"Wow, that was a lot easier than I originally planned. I thought I'd have to explain myself," he said. She almost smiled.

"Well, how about we talk over some hot chocolate?" She asked, trying to lighten the mood. Nico had a ghost of a smile on his lips. (A/N Pretty sure I already used this for him.  Oh well)

"Sure," he answered. Then the walked to the café. Neither of them were eager to share what they saw or heard. But, they didn't have a choice.

-time skip to café-

"So, I might have some leads," Nico said. Reyna nodded. She sipped her drink and listened. Nico explained many minor gods of paranoia, fear, darkness, madness. The list goes on.

"So," he sipped his drink," any ideas?"

"Hmm, it can't be darkness because in my dream, it was also very light," she said, " also the voice said 'madness' so I guess..." She trailed of. Nico nodded. He looked pale.

"Hey, are you alright?" She asked. As if on cue, he collapsed. She caught his arm before he could face plant onto the table. She laid him the floor, his back rested against the wall of the building.

Great, she thought sarcastically.

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