Chapter 10 Annabeth's POV

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Sorry for not updating. I was updating other stories. Picture above is my edit that I made.

"We need a plan." Annabeth said to her team she had picked to rescue Percy from the clutches of Gaea. They nodded in agreement. Annabeth had somewhat of a plan but her mother had sent an unpleasant vision to tell her some news.


She awoke like she materialized from thin air. In front of her was a women with dark ringlets and a war helm. The red plume atop the helm was like a flash of fire, contrasting the pure white of her toga that was enriched with gold designs. Athena. Her steel gaze was hard and guarded, like she had news that didn't compete well with the receiver. 

"Mother" Annabeth greeted. Their grey eyes met with a unspoken seriousness that had brought chills down Annabeth's spine. Aegis rested on Athena's forearm, the bronze intent of  Medusa's face stared into nothingness with a grotesque facial expression. Annabeth, almost on instinct , stepped away from it. The shield did its purpose very well: to ward of the unwanted and bring a level of unease the vengeful. 

"He's coming" Athena said, but her mouth did not move, just had that same hard expression. Her voice echoed around in Annabeth's head. 

"Who's coming?" Annabeth asked, full of unease. Wind started to pick up in the vast whiteness that was their surroundings. Annabeth lifted a hand to her face trying to keep her hair out of the way. Athena's toga billowed in the wind, along with her dark hair. But she remained still and full of hard expression.

"The one who you expect most" Athena said, her mouth still not moving. The wind was violent now, pure white leaves flying around from nonexistent trees. 

"Who?! Percy?!" Annabeth yelled over the wind. Athena's form had already started to dissipate into nothingness. The last thing Annabeth heard was a warning.

"Be wary of the people that claim to be close to you"

Then blackness took over

----End of Flashback----


Annabeth snapped back to reality. Everyone was looking at her like she grew another head. Piper was snapping her fingers in front of Annabeth's face. 

"Sorry" she said. Everyone looked away and tried to focus on the plan, but Annabeth could tell they were still worried about her.

"Alright so what should we--" Thalia was cut off by people shouting outside. 

"What is happening out there?" Jason asked

"I don't know but it can't be good" Piper said, her kaleidoscope eyes flashed with worry. Annabeth nodded.

"Let's go check it out" Frank said. The group walked outside to see campers running to the boarders of camp. They made it to the crowd. Annabeth pushed to the front to find who she had expected to show up.


He smiled at her, but it was somewhat different from his normal sarcastic smile. He approached her with his arms outstretched. Annabeth analyzed him: No cuts or scrapes. No visible wounds. No limp. He's perfectly fine. The last time she saw him, he was wounded badly. She accepted his hug but she was still suspicious. She pulled away from him and looked at him.

"Come with me, Seaweed Brain." She said flatly.

"Okay, Annie." he said. Annabeth turned back and looked at him. Suspicion grew within her. She just glared at him and kept walking. They got away from the commotion, to a spot where no one was. She turned to him again and stared a him, straight in the eye.

"How did you escape Gaea? How did your wounds heal that fast? And why in Hades' name did you call me Annie?!" she half whispered, half yelled at him. 

"I fought my way out. And for my wounds? I found water." he replied. Annabeth crossed her arms over her chest. She wasn't exactly convinced but a small part of her wanted to believe it was Percy.

"Fine. Just don't call me Annie." she growled and punched his arm. Then hugged him.

"I'm glad you're back"she admitted. 

"Me too, Annabeth. Me too." He said. She smiled and hugged him tight. She pulled away and looked around. It was dark out now, shadows no longer took form behind objects.

"We should go." she said. Percy took mer hand and they walked back to their respective cabins. She couldn't help but think that Percy seemed off. He called her Annie, he said he just escaped and completely healed with out ambrosia and nectar, and he even held her hand different. His grip was strong and hard, not gentle and caring. She brushed off the feeling and went to bed. Maybe Athena was right. Who am I kidding? Of course she's right, Annabeth thought. But why was Athena so serious about the message? Was something truly different? A bad different? A malicious laugh suddenly echoed in her head.

My dear demigod, you are just too clever for my liking. But by all means, enjoy the show. You will be a very big role in it. 

"Gaea?" Annabeth asked aloud. That sleepy, ancient voice can only belong to her.

Like I said, too clever dear. Too clever


Hey guys! Sorry I haven't updated in forever. I was busy and didn't know how to continue the story but now I do know thanks to some awesome friends of mine. So hope you enjoyed and see you in the next chapter. Ba-bye!

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