Chapter 5 Annabeth's POV

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The silence was deafening. Annabeth knew that week would go by faster than wanted. It cracked her heart in two pieces to see him like that. She wanted to kick Gaea's godly butt into the next dimension for what she was doing. Deep down Annabeth was furious, yet sad.

We crack down the middle

We break apart

We peel at the edges

Yet the shards of pain never show

But someone is almost always there to pick up the pieces.

Not this time. Not for her. The closest comfort was her friends. That got her to let her walls of isolation dissipate from existence. As a child, she would wait and watch from far away. But she always knew she would be the one to work while they all play.(Warriors by Imagine Dragons anybody? No? Okay I'll stop) She would have to pick up her own pieces so she could be whole. At least try to be. She would push her friends away. She knew it was not the best idea, but it was the only way to stay strong that she could think of. But here she is. She can't turn away now. She has to fight. She has to do what she can for the greater good.

"Annabeth?" Someone called from outside her cabin. She sat up from her bunk and faced the door.

"Yes?" She replied, trying to fix her messy state with no luck. She slumped her shoulders. When has she ever had luck? She brushed it aside and stood tall and walked to the door. She opened the door, which creaked with much a annoyance. Standing in front of her was none other than Piper. Who comes around a lot to check on Annabeth. She really didn't need Piper to look after her like some babysitter but Piper insisted that she was just being a good friend. And then when Annabeth told Piper to give her space, she came by less. And by less she means an hour later than usual. Piper said she's giving her space. Giving me space my ass Annabeth thought grumpily. But she always has to letlet Piper into her cabin so she can attempt to cheer her up.

Back to the present. Piper came in and looked around the room until her kaleidoscope(A/N the only time auto correct is useful is when your trying to spell kaleidoscope)eyes landed on Annabeth's bunk.

"Haven't made your bed yet I see. " Piper stated as she as she sat down on a chair from one of the desks, crossing her arms.

"Yeah, yeah. Stop mothering me, Piper. " Annabeth said. It was true Piper was acting like a child-obsessing mom who doesn't stop worrying about their kid until they are safe and know the rules.

" Just saying. " Piper said. Annabeth lazily draped her blanket over her bed. And then faced Piper with her fists on her hips.

"Is that to your liking, your highness?" Annabeth said dramatically. Annabeth was annoyed but couldn't hide the smile she had on her face.

"You did an okay job, peasant. " Piper said holding her chin high as if she was a ruler. They both laughed and lost their acts. Their laughter was cut short by the horn, signaling its time for a game of capture the flag. Their eyes met and they both say the twinkle of excitement in their eyes.

"Let's go!" Piper cheered, and then they burst out the door. But little did they know that if they stayed there longer, they would have seen the sign that Percy tried to send to Annabeth. A little water spout coming from the floor boards. Words morphed from the water. They spelled out,

Find me

Help me

I'm here

Find me


Sorry for the cliffhanger. I'm evil. Sorry I took so long to update and this chapter is not eh best because I did t have many ideas flowing until I started to write more. But yeah. Bye

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