Chapter 13 Grover's POV

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Everyone forgets about Grover so I'm doing a chapter in his POV. And don't forget to listen to the video above. She is amazing at singing and the song is just so amazing.

Grover was on edge.

Ever since Percy was taken, Grover had been feeling immense pain and self-confliction. It felt like he couldn't figure out what side of him was more dominant; the good side or the....well, less good side. He thought that he should go to the infirmary but he doubted that the Apollo kids could cure a case of internal feelings unless he got hypnotized, which they didn't specialize in. He sat on the porch steps of the Big House, while he picked the chipped baby blue paint. The paint chipped off in tiny curls of pale blue pigment that reminded Grover of the ocean, that was now always restless and discolored. He heard the Big House door creak openand Annabeth walked out.

"Hey, Grover," Annabeth said. She gave his back a pat and she plopped down next to him.

"Hey, Beth," he relied. He could see that she bit back a retort.

"So...what's up?" she asked awkwardly. Grover just shrugged.After a minute of silence, he spoke up.

"Hey, you're smart. Can I ask you something?"

"Sure," Annabeth said while she shrugged.

"I've been feeling, I don't know, different. Ever since Percy was taken, I've just felt so confused and always feeling random waves of pain. I've come up with the idea of the empathy link but I'm not sure if its really that credible. What do you think?" he explained. Annabeth's expression turned hard with thought, with her fingers placed on her chin. Her thought-scowl suddenly turned to an expression of enlightenment that meant that she had an idea.

"You know, you aren't wrong. I think that's exactly what is causing your...symptoms, if you'd like to call it that. I'm just a little upset that you didn't tell me this earlier. But it's fine, I guess. If you felt his pain then it must have been awful," she replied

"I'm sorry, Annabeth. I wanted to be sure it wasn't just my imagination but after awhile I knew it wasn't made up," Grover said sheepishly (Haha he's a satyr and he said it "sheepishly" I'll stop now) She got up and turned to him.

"It's okay, Grover. It's fine," she turned around to leave but pivoted back,"but Grover, you should be careful. Empathy links can be dangerous; especially one with Percy." she left, whispering under her breath about how much of a 'seaweed brain' Percy was.


The dinning pavilion buzzed with questions. They were all eager to know what was next step in their plan. The news of the floor cracking open spread like wild fire in a forest covered in gasoline. The news was the match to that equation and it ended in a catastrophic effect. It wasn't safe to say a plan. Gaea could be anywhere; maybe not here but she's somewhere. In Percy's body; probably the most powerful demigod she could find. Percy was the most powerful in Grover's book, so she was an even bigger threat than she already was.

"Alright, people. We've got a big problem on our hands, as you should know, so we have to find Percy before he finds us. He is powerful and he will stop at nothing to tear us apart and/or himself," Annabeth announced.

"But she can be anywhere, listening to us," Grover said. Annabeth nodded in consideration and then raised an eyebrow.

"Why did you call him a 'she'?" she asked. Grover looked down.

"I refuse to accept that he's gone; I refuse to think that Gaea won him over," Grover said quietly. Annabeth's eyes started to water but she quickly noticed and rubbed her eyes. Annabeth met his eye and gave a curt nod. She cleared her throat.

"He's right; let's not say the plan aloud. Also, Percy should still be conscious in there somewhere," she said, then sat down.

-------Time skip because I'm too lazy to use the Greek letters-----

Grover wished he had a tin can to chew on right about now. He was nervous about the whole Gaea possession thing. To be brutally honest, that just wasn't his thing. Hopefully it wasn't anybody else's thing. That's just messed up. He now sat in the forest of camp, on a rock that was cushioned with moss. He suddenly heard a "poof" behind him. He turned to see a curtain tree nymph with green smoke disappearing around her. The sight of her made him smile automatically.

"Hey, Juniper," Grover said.  She waved cheerfully and in another "poof", she was in front of him.

"Hey, Grovey," she said with a giggle.

"Please don't call me that," he said, but he was still smiling. Then there was a snap of a twig behind them, or so he thought it was behind him. Then he was falling.



Falling in endless darkness and cold, drafting air. All was black in this vacant landscape that was unconsciousness.

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