Chapter 14 Percy's POV

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Percy was lost.

     Blackness was all he saw. He couldn't move from his spot. It was so dark he couldn't even tell what position he was in. His head hurt like Hades and he was so weak. Then, like two round TV's, he saw light. It blinded him for a second, but his eyes adjusted to the harshness of the sun. Wait...sun? He was seeing out of two circular screens that was looking at camp. He was confused, definitely not the first time.

"Where am I?" Percy asked out loud, his voice echoing in the vastness. It was so empty.

That is because you are in your head, Perseus. (A/N I laughed way too hard when I was writing this part) Of course Gaea was around. she was responsible for this. All of this.

"Haha, very funny," he said sarcastically.( A/N Come on, Percy. Sarcasm is my game.jk)

But it is true; you are inside your head. He growled internally, muttering a 'whatever' at her. Then realization dawned on him in 3...2...1.

"Wait! I'm inside my head?!" He shouted in question, frantically trying to look around but just had darkness come to his eyes. He could feel the floor beneath him pulsing and throbbing. He was confused to why it was doing that. If he was in his own head, then something must have gone wrong.

"Why is my head throbbing so much?" he asked aloud.

I may have done a little something with that empathy link of yours. Now he was mad.

"What did you do to Grover!?" he yelled, struggling to move from wherever he was. Gaea suppressed a chuckle.

The satyr is fine, just unaware of the world at the moment.

"You son of a girl dog," he growled. (A/N Wow Percy. Good job at the no cussing thing)

I am no son to anybody, especially a dog. Percy sighed in defeat. He would have face-palmed if he could move his arms.

"Whatever floats your boat, Granny" he said.

What boat? I do not have a ship and I don't think it floats on words. You of all people should know that boats float on water.

"It's just a figure of speech," he said exasperatedly. Gaea finally stopped talking.

"Aw man, I miss talking to her already," he said sarcastically. The silence gave him time to think. He wanted to go home, to his friends, to Annabeth. He couldn't. He was trapped in his own head. Annabeth would have been surprised that there was no piles of seaweed in it. That thought made him smile. Then, suddenly he was in first person in the room. The screens became his own eyes again. He was in front of camp. He could move his arms again and he felt....normal. But as soon as the feeling came, it ended. He was back to his head, the darkness engulfing him. He was all alone again, his thoughts were the only company he had. The screens were looking somewhere else now; he didn't care anymore. He must have been in control for a little bit. He still has control.

He can win against Gaea

He can return to his life

In happiness

Or can he?

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