Chapter 3 Percy POV

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Percy wakes up on a dirt floor, his head hurting like it got run over by a bus of over weight people. This is unusual because he's used to waking up in the Poseidon cabin, to the trickle of the fountain.

When he looks around, he sees nothing but cave walls and a smell so bad he imagined he was in the restroom for all the Giants in exsistance.

Hello Percy Jackson, welcome to my home where I shall spill the blood of the seven demigods. Starting with you. A voice said that could only mean one person with that sleepy voice. Gaea. Percy looks to his right and see her peaceful face with her at ease expression. He was expecting to see her eyes closed but when he looks, her eyes are wide open. Her startling red eyes, like the color of poison berries, bore into his sea green ones. Her hair flows around her face in dark waves, the color of wet soil. Her flawless skin sprinkled in green freckles. Her skin was a very light green, like long grass. A wreath of wheat and grass rests upon her head.

"What do you want with me? Where is the rest of the seven?" he asks.

"I want to use your body as a host. Therefore, I will be stronger. Using your powers over water will help dearly. And your skills with a sword. Very helpful." she said malevolently.

"What about my friends?" he growled through gritted teeth.

"Ah. Your friends. They're still at that petty camp of yours. A pity they have to start their quest without you." she stated evilly. She still had a sleepy expression, but it is now twisted with a evil expression.

"What? What quest?" Percy almost yelled. He struggled to get up, but he was wrapped in tight rope that was made of mud and vines. Surprisingly strong. He growled in frustration as he wriggled around with no luck. Gaea chuckled with amusement as she floated to a tree root-twisted throne. She settled her berry-red eyes on him and smiled not so innocently.

"Oh. Did I spoil something? My bad." she said. She then rose from her throne and the next thing Percy knew, he was surrounded by the dark oblivion that is unconsciousness.

Gone -Book One- (Percy Jackson Fanfiction) {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now