Chapter 8 Percy's POV

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Percy woke up to the soft trickling of water droplets coming from the ceiling, falling to the ground. His arms ache and his eyes were drooping. He couldn't fall asleep. The moisture in the air kept him awake. He could sense about a gallon in total.

    Percy thought back to his message. He decided to try again. So he focused on the water that might still be where he left it last, in the Athena cabin. He felt it ripple. Someone was there. Percy tried to make the water form letters, but he so weak that it probably wouldn't hold long enough for someone, or anyone, to read it. He dropped the water, hoping it was seen.

The week is almost up, Perseus.

"Ugh, don't remind me you hag" Percy growled to himself.

Well, someone is certainly snappy today.

"Never thought that the earth goddess would say 'snappy'. "He said with a smirk. A nearby pebble suddenly hit his head.

"Ow!" He said. "Really? Very mature"

Look who's talking

"Shut up. No one can call me immature but my friends. " He said, even though he doesn't  like it when his friends said it either. But it's to make a point.

Four more days, Perseus. Then we are out.

"What do you mean by 'we'" he asked.   She didn't answer. Great, just great.

"Just have to be dramatic now don't you?" He said.

"Σας αθάνατο πισινό " he cursed under his breath. (Translation: you immortal butt) Not the best curse word but that was the nicest word he had in his head. The other ones weren't so nice.

I don't appreciate that.

"Oh, now you talk" Percy said.

And I was not being dramatic.

"Not being dramatic, my ass" Percy growled.

Oh, your vocabulary of curse words is going up.

"You can shut up now. I liked it better when you were quiet." Percy said. Fortunately she didn't reply. Thank the gods. He needed a plan to get out and away from Gaea. But it's hard when she is inside your head. What will he do?


Hey guys! Hope you enjoyed. Persassy was living it up in this chapter😂.

Thanks for reading and see you in the next chapter.

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