Chapter 19 Multiple POV's

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Percy's POV:
Percy wished he knew how to save himself. But he never had and probably never will. His powers were drained. The screen eyes still played the outside world. He saw a town in the distance. It looked abandoned from what he could see.
   Soon, he was in the town; the white stucco buildings stood tall with rusted air conditioners in the windows and laundry lines crossing over from one house to the other. The ragged clothes that hung looked old and worn. He could see black crows perched on the lines, contrasting against the the gloomy grey skies. There was no hope.

Piper's POV

"There! In that town!" Piper shouted. Piper, the rest of the seven, Thalia and Grover were chasing Percy all day. They are currently in front of the town of Larden (A/N No, it's not a real town) .Piper had never heard of this town but if it's there, it's there. The seven demigods and Grover examined the town sign. It was a wooden sign about the size of a car, resting on the hillside. The olive green paint was chipping off and faded. In pinkish red lettering read, "Welcome to Larden".

"What kind of name is Larden?" Leo asked, laughing at the "lard" part of the name. Typical Leo. Nobody responded to his stupid question and starting to look around at the surrounding area. It seemed abandon. Everything was dull and a light wind blew the grass on the hills. The day was gloomy, but no rain. The dirt path was free of footprints, other than theirs of course, so nobody has been in or out of the town.
"Come on. We should keep chasing him." Annabeth said. Piper noticed that Annabeth has been pretty quiet since Gaea told her that she herself had to kill Percy to kill Gaea. Piper could see why. If Jason was possessed and Piper had to kill him, she would have a hard time too.

"Yeah, good idea," Hazel said. They jogged into the town and looked around. There seemed to be no one in this town. The white stucco buildings were run down and had spray painted pictures on the walls. The town gave off a bad vibe. It made the hairs on the back of her neck stand on edge. She took in her surroundings once again. But all she saw was trash blowing across the cobblestone streets. They starting walking pass all the buildings. She looked up at the tall buildings and saw nothing but old balconies and rusted air conditioners in the windows. Piper stopped and looked through an iron gate door. She squinted to see through the dark. She saw a figure coming closer. And before Piper could even scream, the gate opened, and in the process, ramming into her face.

Annabeth's POV

Annabeth couldn't believe what she had to do soon. She had been a mess since Percy was taken host by Gaea. Annabeth was done with people she loved being possessed or taken away. She was so mad but she didn't have enough time to do anything about that because her thoughts were interrupted by a loud bang. Annabeth looked up from her feet to see Piper laying on the ground, blood gushing from her nose, it was definitely broken. Percy stood above her with one hand on the iron gate that he must of swung open to hit Piper square in the face. Annabeth looked into Percy's eyes. A pang of hopelessness went through her as now his eyes were half red. Before they had more sea green left in them, trying to dominate over the red, according to Piper's description. The shrill sound of Riptide turning into a sword sounded and echoed in the streets. She gripped her dagger tight. Leo's hands went ablaze. Frank loaded his bow. Hazel set her sword. Piper raised her dagger. Jason flipped his coin to summon a spear. Thalia pulled out an arrow. Grover got his pipes ready, the ground ready the spring roots. Look at them. Friends ready to kill a friend. Oh how far they've come. (A/N Yes, the song). Someone lunged.


It was Jason. His face showed rage and determination. His spear collided with Riptide in a cross. Sparks flew from Jason's body.

"Get out of my friend, you witch!" Jason growled. And tried to slash at him/her.

"Jason, stop!" Piper shouted. She wiped the blood off her face and stood up. She gripped her dagger and slashed it at Percy's arm. It left a gash that bled profusely. He hissed in pain. He was about to fight back, but he stopped. His sword dropped to the ground with a loud clang. His eyes rolled to the back of his head and he fell to the ground. Percy laid there for a little until he started coughing and pushed himself up, his eyes closed. Everyone had there weapons up.

"Percy..." Hazel said cautiously, her sword ready to strike. He looked at her, his Annabeth dropped her dagger to the ground and fell forward to him. She gripped his shoulders.

"Percy?" She rasped out. Panic filled his eyes. He pushed her away. He crawled to his knees and stood, leaning on the wall, clearly winded.

"You," he swallowed," need to leave me, now!" He winced and fell to the floor. He heaved and coughed.

"She'll be back," he said. Thalia tried to approach him, her face scarred with the look of trauma. No one could stop her. She reached out to him. He shoved her forcefully away.

"That means you too, Thalia," he said. Thalia was clearly frustrated. She pinned him against the wall, tears falling from her eyes. His eyes were focused on her. They flashed red for a millisecond then back to green like a computer glitch.

"You tell that monster that she can't win and that she should get the hell out of my friend!" Thalia yelled and kicked the wall. Jason put a hand on her shoulder and pulled her away. Percy tried to grin.

"I'll try, Thalia," he said. Annabeth hugged him. He hesitated, then wrapped his arms around her. She felt safe for a small amount of time until he growled in effort and pushed her away.

"Go! Get out of here!" He yelled and fell. Annabeth could tell he was fighting off that...demon. Then he stopped all movement. A high pitched sound came, quickly getting louder.

"Guys! We need to leave," Frank screamed. They took off running, Piper pulling Annabeth away form Percy. The sound got louder and louder like something was gathering strength, then going to release it. She was right. She turned to see a bright burst of light and heard the loud sound of cracking earth and the deafening sound of a loud explosion. The last thing Annabeth saw was Percy in the middle of the light, floated in the air, his fisted clenched as the explosion sounded. Darkness took over her vision. Her senses of hearing and smell went last. She heard the muffled cries of her friends and she could smell the metallic and coin-like smell of blood. Her mind screamed "stay awake", but her body screamed "let go".

Let go

End of book one

Book two is posted

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