Welcome to the new neighbor

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The noise was unbearable. They were moving into the apartment across from mine, and the racket didn't stop for a second. At first, I tried to avoid hearing what was happening outside, but even with headphones on, I couldn't escape the clamor of men carrying sofas, beds, and everything needed to furnish an apartment. By late morning, I got fed up and wanted to see why they weren't done yet. Through the peephole, I could only see several boxes and parts of machines that, in my mind, belonged to a gym.

To distract myself, I started cooking. I had never been a fan of cooking, but it was something I liked to do to calm my nerves and, in this case, forget everything happening outside the walls of my apartment. I turned the music up loud, fed my precious little cat who always followed me around, and began with my poor culinary technique.

The dish was almost ready when there was a knock at the door. I can't describe the anger that welled up in me. In fact, I think I let out several curse words at that moment and let myself be carried away by the rage. Anyone who has experienced this knows that the slightest noise at home can be the straw that breaks the camel's back.

I opened the door in a huff, but behind it was a very handsome guy, about my age, I estimated. He was wearing a black T-shirt and gray sweatpants that outlined his entire cock. My eyes went from his face straight to his crotch, and I couldn't have been more embarrassed.

He introduced himself, but I couldn't quite catch his name due to my intrusive thoughts and my wish to be swallowed by the earth. He apologized for all the noise and promised that everything would be finished by six in the evening. He said goodbye with a handshake, and it was then that I really wished I were dead. As I raised my hand to say goodbye, I made a clumsy move and brushed his crotch firmly. We both ignored what happened, but I know I turned red, and he smiled, embarrassed.

I shut the door quickly and collapsed against it.

I couldn't eat for several minutes. I could only think about him. He had everything I liked in a man: short hair, well-groomed beard, big muscles, a large crotch, and from what I could feel, thick. He was, as young adult literature would say, the perfect guy.

To distract myself a bit, I went out all afternoon and returned shortly after six. Indeed, the moving truck was getting ready to leave, and there was the neighbor, seeing everyone off and handing out food as an extra thank you.

—Hey —he said when he saw me arrive—. Now that we're neighbors, it would be nice to know your name.

—Tamara —I replied.

—Victor, in case you don't remember.

I laughed and pretended to remember his name perfectly. We rode the elevator together, and he told me a bit about why he was moving into the building. He wasn't new to the city, but he had gotten a better job that allowed him to have a better place to live.

He left me at the door of my apartment and said goodbye:

—I'm going to get something to eat.

—Wait —I stopped him—. You can eat here. I'll whip up something, and we can eat together.

I regretted it instantly. What was I thinking? But it was too late. Victor smiled and accepted the invitation.

—I would love to. Thank you, Tamara.

We entered my apartment, and I immediately started improvising a dinner. He sat at the kitchen counter, watching me with interest. The tension was palpable, and the atmosphere grew warmer as the evening progressed.

While cooking, I realized I couldn't stop looking at him. The conversation flowed naturally, and before I knew it, we had moved closer to each other. His eyes shone with a mix of curiosity and desire.

—Can I help with anything? —he asked, getting up and moving closer to me.

—No, don't worry, everything's under control —I replied, though my hands trembled a bit.

Suddenly, I felt his presence right behind me. His warmth radiated towards my back, and my breathing quickened. Victor took a spoon from the counter and tasted the sauce I was preparing.

—It's delicious —he whispered near my ear, making my skin tingle.

I turned to face him, and our bodies were just inches apart. The tension between us was undeniable. Without thinking twice, I leaned in and kissed him. It was an intense kiss, full of desire and urgency. I felt his hands roam my back, and my legs weakened.

We moved clumsily towards the sofa, not stopping our kisses. My body burned with desire, and I could feel his responding in the same way. We hastily undressed each other, revealing our naked bodies.

Victor picked me up in his arms and carried me to the bedroom. He laid me gently on the bed and, without wasting time, began exploring every inch of my skin with his lips and hands. I moaned with pleasure as I felt his caresses, letting myself be swept away by the wave of sensations that engulfed me.

His lips descended from my neck, to my breasts, and down to my belly. He paused for a moment, looking into my eyes, and then continued down until he found my sex. His tongue started moving skillfully, drawing moans of pleasure from me.

—Oh, Victor... yes, like that... —I gasped, clutching the sheets.

My body arched with pleasure as I felt myself nearing the climax. Victor didn't stop until he saw me explode in an intense orgasm, leaving me trembling with pleasure.

He rose and kissed me again, this time with a tenderness that contrasted with the previous passion. I felt his erection against my thigh and guided him to my entrance, eager to feel him inside me.

—Make me yours, Victor —I whispered.

With a slow and firm movement, Victor entered me. We both moaned in unison, feeling the deep connection between us. He started moving, first slowly, then faster, increasing the rhythm and intensity of his thrusts.

Our bodies moved in perfect sync, the sound of our moans filling the room. I felt every one of his movements, every caress, and let myself be carried away by the pleasure he was giving me.

—Tamara, you're incredible —he murmured, nearing his climax.

—Victor, don't stop... please, don't stop —I begged, feeling another orgasm approaching.

Victor increased the pace, and together we reached the peak in a shared climax that left us breathless. He collapsed next to me, hugging me tightly as our breathing calmed.

We lay in silence, enjoying the intimacy we had shared. Finally, I broke the silence.

—Will you stay the night? —I asked, hoping he would say yes.

—Of course, Tamara. I wouldn't go anywhere else —he replied, stroking my face tenderly.

We snuggled under the sheets, and wrapped in the warmth of our bodies, we fell asleep. I knew that night would be just the beginning of something much deeper between us.

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