The Early Morning

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In the small apartment in Lavapiés, the moon filtered through the partially open curtains, casting soft shadows over Camila's naked body. She lay next to Antonio, whose arms enveloped her in a warm and protective embrace. Camila was the first to wake up, her eyes fluttering softly as they adjusted to the dim light. She turned her head slightly and looked at Antonio. His face, relaxed in sleep, looked younger, almost childlike. Every worry line, every trace of long workdays had temporarily vanished. Carefully, she slipped out of his arms, making sure not to wake him. She got up slowly and walked to the window, where she stopped for a moment to contemplate the sleeping city. The lights of Madrid twinkled in the distance, like stars scattered across the horizon. She felt a deep peace, an intimate connection with the moment and with the man sleeping behind her.

He moved slightly in bed, waking up from the lack of her warmth. He opened his eyes slowly and saw Camila standing by the window. The moonlight outlined her figure, highlighting every curve of her body. He sat up silently, admiring her in that moment of vulnerability and beauty. She turned toward him, a gentle smile illuminating her face. Antonio got up and walked over to her, wrapping his arms around her from behind. He kissed her neck softly, sending a shiver down her spine. Their eyes met, and in that moment, time seemed to stand still. The connection between them was palpable, a silent current of love and desire flowing freely.

The kiss intensified, their bodies responding to the call of desire. Antonio lifted her in his arms and carried her back to the bed, laying her gently on the sheets. The moonlight continued to illuminate the room, creating a magical atmosphere. They looked at each other for a moment, their breaths intertwining in the air. He leaned down and began kissing her neck, his lips traveling slowly downward, exploring every inch of her skin. Camila closed her eyes, letting herself be carried away by the sensations enveloping her. Her hands roamed Antonio's body, caressing every muscle, every line, while his lips continued their exploration. Each kiss, each touch, was a silent promise of eternal love. Camila's soft moans filled the room, mingling with the rhythmic sound of their breathing.

When they finally joined, their movements were slow and careful, an intimate dance of bodies and souls. Every thrust, every whisper, was a tribute to the deep love they shared. The connection between them was so intense that it seemed to overflow the boundaries of reality, taking them to a place where only the two of them existed.

They moved with an almost perfect synchrony, each brush of skin amplifying the desire between them. Antonio, with a tenderness that contrasted with the intensity of his desire, slid his hands along Camila's curves, his fingers tracing lines of fire on her skin. His lips continued their downward journey, finding every sensitive spot and eliciting soft, constant moans. Camila arched her back in response, her hands burying themselves in Antonio's hair as he explored every inch of her body with a mix of devotion and passion. Antonio kissed her deeply. Camila's moans mingled with Antonio's, creating an intimate symphony that filled the space.

Their hands found each other again, fingers intertwining as Antonio descended further, kissing and gently biting Camila's breasts. She moaned with each touch, her hands tracing the muscles of his back with adoration.

Antonio, with slow and sure movements, positioned himself between Camila's legs, his eyes meeting hers in a gaze filled with desire. He leaned in to kiss her again, deepening the connection between them before beginning to move inside her. His thrusts were slow at first, each one bringing them both to the brink of pleasure. She wrapped her legs around him, drawing him closer, their bodies merging in a dance of pleasure and love. Antonio's hands explored every inch of her skin, finding the places that made her tremble and moan with pleasure. His movements became more urgent, a growing need to reach the climax together.

Finally, Camila screamed Antonio's name, accompanying it with a moan that put an end to the early morning of pleasure. Their bodies collapsed onto the bed, silence reigning once again as the sun began to rise, its first rays filtering through the windows.

Camila covered herself with the sheets to protect herself from the morning chill, while Antonio got up slowly. With gentle movements, he headed to the kitchen, where he began to prepare the coffee she loved so much. The aroma of freshly brewed coffee soon filled the apartment, blending with the serenity of dawn and the echo of shared passion.

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