chapter two

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Dontrell POV:

"I missed you."

"I missed you too." He said sniffing me like he always does before humming and kissing my neck.

I walk us over to my bed , laying us both down with me on top and his arms still wrapped around waist and his face buried in my neck.

"You good?" I asked playing with his hair.

"Mhmm." He hummed.

We haven't seen each othe in two week.

"Lemme see your face." I said.

He pulled back exposing that face I've come to love and miss when his not around.

"Tell me why I haven't seen you in two weeks." I said holding both sides of his face just admiring how gorgeous he is.

"I've been busy." He mumbled.

Not liking that answer I asked, " with what?"

"Business." He replied nonchalantly.

I know exactly what business he's talking about, I saw Destiny's Instagram and I know he took her to Jamaica but I guess that's what I get for letting a nigga that's in a relationship fuck with me.

I pulled myself out of his hold and set up on the bed.

"How was Jamaica." I asked.


"The Bahamas with your girlfriend." I said

After that night in his car we started sneaking around but after I let him fuck I thought he would break up with her, boy was I wrong I turned into his dirty secret, he would walk around school hand in hand with Destiny and she would post every moment of their relationship on Instagram and I knew I had no right to be hurt.

Like a crack head I kept going back even though I knew he was no good for me but I couldn't help it he had me exactly were he wanted me.

"What I tell you about stalking her page." He hissed eyes closed.

"I wasn't stalking and don't turn this around on me, I'm not the one cheating." I yelled feeling heated.

"Said the side nigga, I've never cheated on you, you knew what you were signing up for." He said his expression going blank.

"That's crazy and you know it, i wasn't even checking for you like that until you started it." I swallowed my tears, feeling my body tremble in anger.

"Trell here I am laid up in your damn bed and you what to talk about a bitch that ain't here, how many times do I have to tell you when I'm with you, I'm with you and not to bring her up every single time you see something on the gram like some idiot." He harshly yelled, making me flinch.

Now if I cheat that's my ass but this nigga can have his cake and eat it too.

"I want you to break up with her or whatever we have going on is over." I stated watching his expression darken .

A knot twisted in my stomach when I felt his hand wrap around my neck in a tight grip cutting of my breathing.

"Don't play with me Dontrell, you know you belong to me right." He asked giving my neck a squeeze, I reluctantly nodded my head.

How is it possible for me to belong to him but he can't even claim me publicly.

Maybe it's because you keep letting him play with your head and heart and your stupid ass calls it love. My subconscious said.

"Good." He mumbled letting my neck go, " now come here." He said pulling me on top of him.

"I love you." I mumbled snuggling into his chest and I got a hum in return, it always hurts because he never says back.

I'm not going to cry, I'm not going to cry, I'm not going to cry.


A few hours later I opened my eyes not feeling a hard body underneath me causing a sense of confusion.

Searching the rooms but he wasn't there, pulling myself up, I hoped out of the bed and went into the bathroom to brush my teeth.

I made my way into the hallway hearing faint murmuring coming from the living room.

I thought he left.

"Handle it." He said to whoever is on the other side of the call.

I made my onto his lap, putting my face in his neck, inhaling his intoxicating scent.

"Get Noah to help you, I'm busy right now and don't call my phone unless one of you is bleeding out." He said hanging up.

"I'm sorry about earlier." He said pluming my ass cheeks.

And like the the addict I am I nodded my head.

I lean in connecting our lips in a slow sensual kiss, our tongues massaging each other, I moan into the kiss.

Idiot you know, he won't leave her, what happens if she gets pregnant.

I roll my hips feeling his dick stiffen against my ass causing me to moan.

Get the fuck off him Dontrell, how long are you willing to be  a secret for. My subconscious said

I slowly pulled away from Lamar's lips and got out of his lap.

"You need to leave." I manage to say without my voice betraying me.

Good Dontrell you need to stand up for yourself, this is not love.

"Are you kicking me out?"

"Yes I love you but I can't continue being your dirty secret, it's not working....I need more....I want more and you've been unwilling to give to me for a year now."

"Trell stoping pissing me off." I watched his face change into several emotions before it settled on anger

"I'm not trying to piss you off but I need to put me first, I can't even talk to females because I'm scared you'll find out and beat my ass but you can go on vacations with your girl and you get to post each other.......mhmm while I sit here and wait for you to come fuck me like some cheap whore." I angrily state.

"You were cheap the night you let me kiss you while claiming you were not gay, you've been cheap," he said chuckling.

I flinched at that statement, a part of me knows I should have never given him a chance, I don't even think I'm Bi but I continue to allow this man to play with my emotions

"If I leave I ain't coming back, you want to bitch about my relationship knowing full well you signed up for this shit, you were supposed to be just a fuck a one time thing but I got attached not to you but the sex." He hissed anger rolling of his tone.

My heart sinks and for the first in my life I know heartbreak.

"Get out." I mumbled tears welling up in my eyes but I refuse to cry infront of him to give him the satisfaction of knowing he hurt me beyond measure.

He walked towards the door and gave me one last hard look before walking out and slamming the door behind him.

I finally allowed myself to cry, it okay Trell it's not the end of the world.


Notes: I did not edit this chapter

Sorry for any spelling and grammatical errors.

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