chapter four

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Dontrell's POV:

"Don't forget you have two days left to turn in your assignment." Prof Davis said as a way of dismissal.

I don't even know why I chose to study physics, the work load is getting to me but it's only my first year hopefully things will get easier as the years moves forward.

I walked into the dining hall to meet up with my friends before their afternoon classes.

"What are we talking about?" I said putting my stuff down on the table.

"Tisha thinks she might be pregnant." Chante said causing Tisha to hit him upside the head.

"Bitch I didn't say that."

"You said you were late." Chante said

"Trell tell your friend to get the fuck out of my womb.,"

"I wouldn't be in it if you didn't come over here talking about 'chante bro  I'm late and if my ass is pregnant my momma's gonna kill me."  He said giving her one of his famous bitch play with me looks

This is pretty much a usually thing in our little friend group, these two argue like a married couple and the best thing to do is tune them out.

"Don't put me in the middle of y'all's little argument but Tisha if you think you pregnant you can always get a test." I said trying to be the voice of reason.

"Mhmm, I guess you right," Tisha said

"Where's Quin by the way?"

"Library, he has a group assignment."

I nodded taking out my phone to text Lamar.

Me: hey...are you still coming over tonight.

"Who are you texting." Tisha asked with a knowing smile.

All my friends know about me and Lamar and they've been able to keep it a secret even though I couldn't.

"No one." I said flashing her a smile.

"No one just that dog you call a boyfriend."  Oh and my friends hate him and I understand why, I think if I wasn't as dickmatized I would hate him too.

"Since the mothafucka said he chose you, are you guys going to go public or are you still keeping it a secret." Tisha asked breaking the silence.

"Not yet." I said with a shake of the head.

"Let me guess he doesn't want his father to find out?" Chante asked and I nodded.

"Let's not talk about him anymore, I'm thinking since it's a Friday we hit the club shake some ass."

"Count me in on the drinking but not the ass shaking and we can pregame at my apartment." Chante said.

I have an assignment due on Monday but I think I deserve to have some fun and I'll go back to the assignment on Saturday so I agreed.

"Okay." I said. I still have a couple of hours to change my mind.


When we arrived at the club and as expected the shit was packed.

"Let's drink but not too much and we leave together." Joaquin said.

"Unless you get some but tell us before you leave." Tisha added on.

We made our to the bar and ordered our drinks, we spent a few minutes by the bar be for Tisha and I made our way into the dance floor.

The atmosphere in the club was electric, Tisha bent down and started twerking on me, I put my hands on her waist pulling into my crotch catching all that ass.

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