Chapter thirty-two

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Dontrell's POV:

Last night was amazing, I've never had someone love me so much that they would do any and everything to make me happy.

Jackson is my shooting star, he would break himself trying to make all my wishes come true.

But as amazing as last night had been I still couldn't forget what happened with Jamir and Lamar.

"I know Jamir is your brother but what happened last night was foul as fuck on his part and to be putting his hands on Lamar with Isaiah in the house that shit just ain't right." I said to Jackson.

I couldn't believe Jamir was not only cheating but also hitting Lamar.

"That's his karma, don't forget that nigga used to put his hands on you and if Jamir hits him every now and again it's none of our business." He said

Maybe it wasn't but it still didn't make the situation right.

"I thought their were happy." I hadn't picked up one sign that could've have suggested otherwise.

I think everyone was just as fooled, Jamir looked at Lamar like he hung the moon and the stars.

"Shit I'm surprised he lasted this long without beating his ass, Jamir doesn't know how to love anyone, he's just possessive and mothafuckas interpret that as love but he sees them as nothing more than possessions and Lamar is his most treasured possession, the only way Lamar is ever leaving him is in a body bag, he's never letting him go." He said sending chills down my spine.

"You knew all this and didn't think to warn him." I asked in disbelief.

He stared at me, "That's my brother and I don't like Lamar, he can do whatever he wants with him for all I care."

I knew that I just hadn't realised the hate ran so deep that he would knowingly with hold information that could have probably saved a lot of heartbreak.

I sighed deciding to change the subject, "Thank you for last night and thank you for my gift." I leaned in pecking him on the lips.

"Only the best for my baby." He said before softly kissing me.

"Ouu, I feel special." I said smiling against his lips.

"You are." He said matching my smile.

I'm truly and deeply in love with him

My phone vibrated with a text from Tasha.

Tasha: meeting in an hour, my place.

The text said.

Me: Why.

The reply was quick.

Tasha: just be there, ohky.

Her messy ass probably wants to talk about last night.

"I have to go, the gang is meeting up in an hour."

He hummed softly and told me to finish my breakfast before leaving.


Tasha's apartment:

"You want anything to drink." T said from her kitchen.

"Nah, I just want to know why you wanted to meet up." I said from my place on her couch.

She appeared from the kitchen with a tray that three glasses of juices on it.

"So does anyone think Lamar is being abused." She asked.

"Now why would you ask that." Chante asked.

"Yea, the better question is why does your messy ass want to know their business." Dante shot out.

"I'm just tryna get some tea on Lamar, you can't really blame me, I really thought he hit the nigga jackpot but I guess I was wrong." She shot back.

"Honestly, I'm just as in the dark as you guys and we shouldn't get involved." I said.

"And if you really wanted to know you should've have invited Jason, that's his best friend if anyone should know about their relationship it should be him." Chante pointed out.

And it was a valid point but from what I saw last night he doesn't know anything.

"Mmct, that nigga is just as clueless." T said obviously annoyed with us.

"Nah, real talk that's none of our business, if you ask me that's his karma and who are we to stand in the way of the universe doing it's thing." Dante said.

I hated to admit it but maybe this was the universe getting me my get back.

I thought moving on with someone who adores and respects me was revenge enough but just maybe I can get both a man who loves me unconditionally and for Lamar to feel the terror he put me through.

"On a lighter note, I got us an all expenses paid trip Zanzibar." I said.

"How." Tasha said with a dramatic gasp.

I shrugged, "I know people."

"Nah, you just know how to bounce on the D." Dante said laughing.

I scowled at him, "And when you get left behind don't blame anyone but yourself."

"Nigga, my bags are already packed and in my mind's eye I'm already in those clear blue waters of Zanzibar." He said with a far away look on his face.

"Zanzibar is so beautiful but I'm going to be the only single one on the trip." T said with a pout.

"Jackson has a friend." I said trying to boast her mood.

She groaned throwing herself back on the couch, "I don't want new dick, I want his dick."

The wigga must have really put it down to have her over here day dreaming about him like this.

"TMI." Chante said fake gagging.

"Shut up dummy." She throw the remote at him which he luckily ducked.

"We need to going shopping for some island clothing." Dante said clearly trying to break T and chante's on coming bickering.

"I definitely need new swimwear." T said.

"Do you even know how to swim." Because for as long as I've known her I've never seen her in pool.

"Sure don't but I still need to look cute."

We all laughed at her response.

"Are you going to invite Jason." Dante asked.

T and I shared a look, "Oh I forgot that's y'all's hunching buddy." I said

Imagine our suprise when we caught them fuck at their shared apartment, why invite us over and proceeded to fuck in the living rooming when you know your friends had keys.

Shit I was still traumatized.

"He doesn't fuck with us no more" Chante said.

"What did y'all expect when you so deep in the closet you might as well be in Narnia."

"And the closet is made out of glass honey, because even Stevie wonder can see y'all ain't over him." T said.

"Just get him on the trip and we'll handle the rest." Dante slyly said.

"You must have forgot that's Lamar's best friend, he's not going anywhere with us when he's friend is currently going through all that mess." I pointed out earning groans from the both of them.

"And let's not forget y'all's little girlfriends."

"We weren't planning on inviting them." Chante said with finality.

I can respect that and I didn't want any drama on my vacation.

We pretty much spent the day at Tasha's apartment, going through going through Shein.


Notes: unedited.

Spelling and grammar errors.

I think I'm going to stop writing from Dontrell's POV, I've lost his voice, I'm struggling to write he's character out.

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