Chapter twelve

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Dintrell's POV:

Saturday: 01:20am:

With what happened this past week, Jackson thought it would do us both some good to go out and let loose.

After Pre gaming at Tisha's house we finally got an Uber to the club and the line snaked around the block.

When we finally got into the club it was packed hot girls everywhere, this club is like those clubs in Nelly's old music videos skimpy outfits, bodies moving together, men actually dance here and not hold the wall all night.

"Let's do shots." Tisha said pulling Nicky her nerdy white boyfriend towards the bar.

"I still can't be Nicky is dating Tisha." Jessica Joaquin's maybe girlfriend said with a chuckle.

I don't know what the big deal is Nicky might be nerdy but that's not the only thing going for him, he's also a track and field athlete and he treats her right.

After a couple of shots we made our way into the dance floor.

The girls made their way to the dance floor with their boyfriend living Jackson and I at the bar.

I watched Tisha bend over touch her ankles and shaking her ass on Nicky.

"Damn." I heard Jackson mumble next to me.

"Right." I said with a chuckle still watching the dark skinned girl shake what her momma gave her.

Jackson and I finally made our way to the dance floor, with two beautiful girls we meet at the bar.

Shorty I was dancing with had her ass all on my dick but I had my eyes on Jackson on the other side of us.

I felt a pair of hands wrap around my waist startling the fuck out of me and I could tell the person was a man with how strong handed they were.

The person came  up to my ear and whispered

"Let me talk to you real quick?" A deep voice void of emotions said from behind.

I know that voice, I would know that voice even if I was in a coma.

I take my hands of shorty and turn around to find an angry looking Lamar even with the dim lights in the club I can easily see the intensity in his eyes.

I could also see the bruises on his face Jackson really did a number on his face.

He stares me down raising an eyebrow, I guess waiting for an answer.

And my tipsy ass can't help but respond, " don't touch me nigga before my nigga gives you something to worry about and by the skid marks on your face you already know what he's capable of."

He chuckles and shakes his head.

" I know what hulk over there is capable of but I still wanna talk to you" He said with his hands still tightly holding my waist.

"What's going on here?" Another deep voice I would know even if I was in a coma said from behind over the music.

"I' know you have eyes and you can clearly see I'm trying to talk to Trell." Lamar said with a dark chuckle.

"Can we not do this in the middle of the dance floor." I said stepping back and out of his hold into Jackson's chest and he immediately wrapped his arms around my waist.

Tipsy me doesn't give a fuck right now because what the fuck is wrong with this man and I know I'm safe with Jackson here.

Jackson kissed behind my ear before saying, "let's talk then nigga."

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