Chapter Thirteen

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Lamar's POV:Lamar's POV:

"You need some get some pussy or ass in case, you've been a grumpy cat all week." Jayson said tossing his ball in the air.

We currently at the basketball court just chilling after playing a couple of 1v1s.

"Who said I haven't gotten any."

"Your face, you've had this sour grape look for a couple of weeks."

It's not just because I haven't had sex since Trell broke things off but after my fight with that Nyong'o nigga my father put me on ice, I was supposed to take over from him a year from now but he thinks I still have some growing to do and he wants me to enroll in business school.

I understand where he's coming from from but what do I need a business degree for he sure as hell doesn't have any but he's a millionaire.

My parents were teen parents, my mother got pregnant with me when she was sixteen and my dad was seventeen, with momma pregnant he dropped out and started selling.

Everything he has he got from the streets but I understand wanting better for your kids, I just feel blind sided.

"Sex is the last thing on my mind right now." I said.

"Don't tell me you still thinking about getting Trell back, your face just healed up.

I rolled my eyes at that, "hell no, he made his choice it might not like it but I know for him to ever forgive me I need to respect it."

"Nigga I know you lying."

"I'm not," I don't have time to be stressing over him and his weird ass boyfriend, he can keep him for all I care.

He started laughing, "so Unc really wants you to go back to school?"

"Mhmm, I just don't get how going to business school is going to help me run a drug cartel." I shrugged.

"Think of it as a way for you to build connections, your dad is young enough to continue running shit for the next ten years and we get to have a college experience together."

My dad is only thirty six, everyone calls him old man Washington because he act old for his age, apparently the name stuck during his teenage years.

"I'm already behind the semester is half way through but it might be worth giving me giving it a try.

"It's also the perfect place for a fuck boy like you."


"Anyway how are Destiny and the baby doing." He asked.

"The baby is developing well according to the doctor, Destiny on the other hand is driving me crazy."

"What did she do."

"She called me crying the other night because she didn't have Oreos, I had to drive to her house in the middle of the night with a box."

"Pregnancy hormones man, you just have to get used to it."

I'm not ready to be a parent but I know I have to step up, my father stepped up at seventeen with nothing to his name, it shouldn't be hard for for us with how supportive our families are.

"Do you guys know the gender yet."

"Nah, I don't think it even has ears yet."

We have a doctor's appointment tomorrow hopefully she'll tell us the gender, I'm hoping for a little girl though but it also doesn't matter what gender they are as long as it's a healthy baby.

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