Chapter 32. The Final Battle-II

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....... "Appa?"

His face teared up and those eyes, they didn't lie. It was really his father.

"Appa! ", Jungkook fell to the ground on his knees. His grip on sword loosened. Tears formed in his eyes.

The weak man, who was once a brave pirate, stood looking at the ground.

Jungkook looked at the boney man in front of him.

His broken back was covered with scars of the whip lashes he had received all these years......

....... His few fingers were missing, hundred of mice bite marks covered his brown, discoloured skin......

Jungkook shuddered.

For the very first time, he felt defeated.

The unimaginable pain had injected the poison of fear in his blood.

He clutched the sand underneath his palms to vent out his anger, but tears followed nevertheless.

He suddenly lost his will to live......

"You're so happy to meet your father, aren't you, Jungkook?
How about you exchange the Black Diamond for this slave of mine? ", Cedric slowly lured him.

Jungkook's head still hung to the ground. He had become silent. He didn't know what to feel anymore.


Jimin had rushed towards the shore, he finally found a coastline.

He tipped at the water, his false, two- faced reflection asking him to throw the diamond the very instant.

He shaked. His consciousness didn't allow him, that's when he heard a loud scream and rushed towards the source, peeping against the dense bush, he found his crew mates and Jungkook too.

He analyzed the surroundings. Seeing Jungkook weep and yell, made him realise something was terribly wrong.

That's when the waters near the shore started to rise up, loud splashing sounds followed.......

.... The waves griddled roughly and formed a godly human figure made of waves.

Everyone's attention turned towards the mysterious happening.

It was Poseidon.

"Triton! The Diamond! Throw it! ", his faceless voice echoed with a horrendous splashing of water currents.

Jimin cluthed the diamond tighter.

Courageously, he entered upon ground, where lay his mates, tied and tortured and Jungkook, bleeding.

" Now, who is this nasty cockroach?! ", Cedric yelled in anguish.

Jimin ran towards Jungkook and laid his hand over his shoulder.

"Harder the battle, sweeter the victory!"
"Show him who you are, Jeon!! "

That's when Black Diamond shined brightly, enrapturing every eye and making everyone fall a prey to it's powerful hypotise.

Jimin ran towards Golden Poison, determined and alert.

They had read, back when the maknae had found Cap. Jeon's diary, that the curse of the Golden Poison will be triggered when the Black Diamond is laid on the top of the most tallest sail pole present on the ship.

Jimin was going to do that.

"Kill him and get that Black Diamond, you morons!! ", Cedric yelled at his shocked crew pirates.

Jungkook hissed. He took one last look at his father before standing up on his bleeding knee, stronger and adamant.

"Yahhhhhh!!!", he growled and spit blood out of his mouth, attacking Cedric's men as many as they came.

He's ultimate aim was Cedric. Dead.

Jimin dodged everyone who tried to stop him. His feet kept moving forward.

This was his final chance to be loyal to his friend. The friend, who trusted in him.

The waves in the nearby waters escalated. Seemed that the sea God was angered. The currents became stronger and turbulent. The weather became duller, the high waves washed away a few of Cedric's men.

He climbed the ship and then the pole, his body had severely weaken due to the indistinct dark powers of the gem.

He slipped many times, and eventually got caught by a fishing net thrown by the enemy men.



Jungkook was just a metre away from Cedric, most of his men killed and a few others feared the dangerous and wretchful spirit Jungkook possessed and backed off.

He breathed heavily, his body was now almost devoid of any blood. His last breath now functioned only to save his father.

Cedric laughed.

"Why so eager to kill me kid? Now, look at this! ", he yelled and took out his sword grabbing Cap. Jeon's hair...........






........and cut opened his throat, killing him, right in front of his son.



Maybe the chapter got too dark..... But here, listen to this-


Felt better?!

Move on to the next chapter!!

Vote though. 🥺❤

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