CH-18: Fight! Fight! Fight!

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3rd Person's POV:

Changbin entered the cafe and immediately spotted Juwon and his friends. He made an eye contact with Jangmi as well, who signaled him to sit down. He sat at a table and looked at the door, when he heard the bell and saw Iseul entering with Jisung and Felix. Of course, Minho's soldier has to be her. Now he was more worried, for God knows reasons.

"Iseul!" He tried to call her lowly but saw her calling someone on the phone and motioning both Felix and Jisung to take a seat. She looked pissed for some reasons, and it worried the boy.

Hyunjin's phone buzzed, and he took it out, seeing Iseul's name on the screen. "Hello? Iseul?" He whispered. "Where are you?" He heard her voice. "I'm hiding." He whispered again. "Okay, now stop hiding. I am here now." "But-" "Just come out, idiot!" She hissed and Hyunjin closed his eyes, trying to gather some courage and slowly raised his head and looked around. Seeing that the coast was currently clear, he walked from behind the counter while squatting down.

He saw Iseul standing near the entrance and sighed in relief. He finally gained her attention and stood up, walking towards her, but was interrupted in between. "Hey loser." Juwon sneered. "You were ready to fight for your friend and now I am ready to fight for mine." He smirked and Hyunjin raised an eyebrow. "First of all," he yanked his hand off his chest and glared.

"I did say sorry, but he punched me. Instead of troubling me, your friend should stop being high all the time and roam around the city more presentably." He glared and was about to walk away but received a punch from the other guy and fell on the ground. "You can't leave until we allow you to." He kicked Hyunjin on the stomach and the boy groaned.

"Oh my god!" Changbin, Felix and Jisung ran over to where they were and were trying to stop them, but they were literally 9-10 in number and the other boys were now beating them up too, especially Juwon, who launched himself on Changbin.

"How dare your even touch her? Let alone ask for her number?" He went off topic and was punching him mercilessly and Changbin, for some reasons wasn't fighting him back.

Chan arrived on the scene with Byeol, Hana, Minho and Jungkook after their class ended, and boy, he almost passed out at the scene. Changbin, Hyunjin, Felix and Jisung getting beaten up by a group of boys and that too from senior class. Understanding the situation, Minho, Chan and Jungkook also tried to stop the boys from beating up the others.

Police sirens were suddenly heard, and the cops immediately came in, starting to separate the group of the boys being beaten up and also the one beating them up. They handcuffed both the groups and were taking them away. "Who called the cops??" Juwon yelled and Iseul stepped up bravely, raising her hand high. "Me, bitch." he scowled and glared at her.

"You will pay for it."

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