CH-5: Dwaekki

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3rd Person's POV:

"Yah, Oh Chanmi!" Jangmi called the girl, who was chilling on the sofa, watching the TV. "Here is his Insta ID. Dwaekki?" Jangmi tilted her head and Chanmi snatched the phone from her hands. "Dwaekki as in pig rabbit?" She blinked and started to look around on his Insta forgetting the issue she had with his name.

"He is hot. Literally my type." Chanmi layed down on the bed and Jangmi sighed. "But baby, you need to first get rid of that obsessed freak otherwise who knows what he can do if he finds out that all of this blind act was just a lie." Chanmi sighed and put down the device and looked at the girl.

"You're right." Chanmi pouted. "But how can I get rid of him?" She whined. "I literally can't even go and complain about him in the police station because his father is the commissioner, who gets him out of every single trouble. What to do just to get rid of him?" Chanmi whined and rolled on the bed. Jangmi sat up. "I have an idea."

Chanmi looked at her and shook her head. "I already know what it is. No, a big fat NO." She said sternly and now Jangmi was whining. "But whyyyyyy? You didn't even listen to what I was going to say." Chanmi shook her head and stood up. "I have class, see you later." She shut the door and Jangmi sighed. "Please someone save her from this ugly mess."


"No, I was not that drunk. Stop accusing me!" Hyunjin huffed and Chan shook his head. "Hyunjin, you were laughing at the TV in the living room after we came back here." He told the taller, who stood up, but then sat down again when the headache hit him. He rubbed his temple. "How come you can declare me drunk just because I was laughing at the TV?" He scowled.

"Hyunjin, because the TV was off. You were laughing at the black screen." Iseul told him and he blinked. Seungmin leaned by the door with crossed arms and said, "I mean he was laughing at his own reflection, who wouldn't?" Hyunjin threw him a very disgusting look. "But why did you took me here?" He sighed.

"Because your mom might get angry at you for being out till late night, so Iseul took you here and even told her that you will be staying at the dorms for night since the boys planned a sleepover." Minho said when he entered the room and handed Hyunjin a hangover medicine and water. Hyunjin thanked him and gulped the thing down.

"But what is up with Changbin? Does anyone know?" Byeol asked pointing at the boy who sat in the corner, listening to everyone's blabbering. "Nothing is up with me." He frowned. "No, I have noticed this too. He is extra down since yesterday's party." Changbin huffed at Jisung and stood up.

"You guys are just hallucinating."

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