Chapter 32

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The next day
After what happen yesterday. Y/n was still figuring out to forgive him... even though she knows this isn't his first time lying to her....
But at least he was honest to her.... for once..... so of course she thought that he wasn't going to be like this again... he was going to change..... but who knows....
It was a Saturday afternoon
And y/n and Gabriella were sitting down in the lounge chair near the pool.
It was the both of them relaxing.
Miguel was walking out the house walking towards them.
" look at my beautiful girls.." he said smiling
" what do you want Miguel?" Y/n said with a small attitude
" oh nothing just wanted to see if you guys are okay" he said
" everything is fine" she said
" okay..." he said as it was quiet for a second
" why don't we go for a swim?" He said
" I think I'm good" she said
" come on it will be fun" he said
" I said I'm good Miguel" she said
" Just for a bit" he said
" or else I will throw you in the water" he said
" dare and you will be sleeping on the couch" she said
" I know you won't do that..." he said looking at her with a smirk....
Maybe he was right....
" now come on.." he said as he grabbed her hand pulling her
" no. Miguel I said no." she said pushing him that he fell on the pool...
y/n sat there speechless having a small smile on her face trying her best not to laugh...
She heard Gabriella laughing about it.. which it made y/n laugh as well....
" I am sorry...." she said as she stood up and kneeled down as Miguel was still in there....
" but you were right that was fun.." she said smiling
" come on Gabriella" she said as they both walked back inside the house.
Miguel had a small anger look but it was fine... he was trying his best no to get angry that easily.. not just yet.....
" I did deserved it...." Miguel said getting out the pool.. and stayed outside for a bit. He knew y/n didn't wanted him inside soaking up the floor...
After that happen
Miguel was inside grabbing himself some clothes to go take a shower. While he was doing that
Y/n was in Gabriella room fixing her laundry.
She then walked in their bedroom fixing some of their laundry into the closet. She accidentally dropped one of the shirt and squat down to grabbed.  She notice something this random box she never saw before just almost near the back of the closet. She lean out the closet making sure Miguel was still in the shower. She lean back in and grabbed it and open it...
She saw all of these things..all of these unexpected things.
Some designs of Miguel suits... this random watch. And other things Miguel had... she didn't knew why he's hiding these things.
She kept looking through it when she found a picture of herself. When she used to be Miguel's assistant....
" can't believe I used to be his assistant..." she said slightly smiling
" don't know why did he kept this in here..." she said and threw it on the box's till it flipped over and she  notice writing on the back she picked up
" huh...."
She was about to read it when..
" y/n?" She heard Miguel and the restroom door open she quickly put everything back and put the box back where she found it.. she quickly got up.
" y/n what are you doing?" Miguel asked that y/n turn around and saw him standing there...
" Nothing..." she said and looked down noticing the box was still sticking out so she slightly kicked it back and smiled nervously at Miguel....
" just picking up the shirt I dropped" she said
" oh?" Miguel said looking at her oddly..
" yeah" she said and looked down at him and realizing he was shirtless seeing his hair all wet and water dripping down his chest...
Which it made y/n get red.
" here you should wear this" she said handing him the shirt and walking out the closet and feeling her cheeks turning red..
Miguel looked at her and knew something was up... he put the shirt down and walked out the closet.
" are you okay?" He asked
" I'm fine..."
" why?" She asked
" your chuckling a lot" he said
" and you do that when your nervous.." he said
" what no... it's nothing... don't worry about it...." she said and suddenly looked at him seriously when she said that..
" okay....." he said
" yeah..." she said looking down...
Miguel kept looking at her.
" are you still mad?" He asked
Y/n just looked at him not really knowing what to say...
" I- I don't know" she said
" I'm pretty sure I am still mad but i also realize I can't be mad at you forever....." she said
" unless you do something worse then I will be mad and maybe leave..." she said
Which made Miguel let out a chuckled
" I know that won't happen..." he said with a smirk and walking toward her.
" and why's that?" She said tilting her head...
" just cause..." he said smiling
She felt him place his hand on her waist... pulling her close to him.... y/n kept looking at him and pushed him off.... Miguel grabbed her and pulled her back.. and slightly pushing her onto the bed.
" what are you doing?" She said as she sat up and Miguel lean in pulling her into a kiss... to shut her up...
She pulled away looking at him right into his brown eyes...
" what was that for?" She asked
" proving you that I love you..." he said
" I don't want you to be mad..." he said
" then stop hiding things from me..... and lying to me....." she said
Miguel let out a small sigh
He place his hand on her cheek
" I love you y/n...." he said
" I know I shouldn't be doing stuff like that to you... my wife....  but just you know that I am doing this for you...." he said
Y/n still didn't knew what he meant by that....but
She kept staring at him... right into his eyes..... noticing the love he had for her...
It also made her realize how much she was in love with him....
but she also knows that he might not change at all.... but who knows....
Y/n had these emotions in her...she slightly smiled....
" I know..." she said and place her hand onto his...
" and like I said on are wedding day... I will always... forever love you Miguel... no matter what..." she said
" and I am sorry for being mad at you these past days.... and pushing you into the pool... even though you deserved it..." she said
Which made Miguel chuckle...
" don't worry about it..... you had every right to be mad...." he said
" yeah" she said looking down
" hey.." Miguel said placing his thumb on her chin lifting it up.....
" let's forget about it....... if nothing ever happen...." he said
" I think that will be for the best.." she said
" of course it is...." he said smiling at her...
" yeah..." she said smiling back...
He place his hand on her cheek again and pulled her into a deep passionate kiss..... making the both of them fall onto the bed...
He kissed her down her neck while y/n ran her hands on his back through his hair....and was looking at the ceiling.....
Yeah she stopped being mad at him....for now......but she still wonder what is he keeping a secret that all he does is lie.....

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