Chapter 24

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A few weeks later
Ever since Miguel found out about that.....things have been different....
How can I explain it.... well he's been very controlling... manipulating...
He's turning himself into a different man I guess..... someone who some people have warned me about... I will say....
The whole day Miguel was busy. He was stuck at his " office "
Which I don't know to believe him.... who knows what he's actually does that he doesn't want to tell me about it....he's been keeping this secret for like almost 3 years.... but anyways I decided to go see Miguel at work... wanted him To have company...
I was walking out the elevator and see the whole floor was empty.... there was no one at all.... it was odd..
I kept walking towards Miguel office. And open the door seeing it empty...
" huh...." I said
I walked towards his desk seeing all these papers everywhere...
I looked down and see picture of Miguel in one of these news papers.... I wanted to look but I didn't... I don't want things to get worse between me and Miguel.... So I walked out his office and decided to leave..... I wonder where he went....
I was walking down the street walking pass a bar... and the corner of my eye.. it looked like I saw Miguel.... I walked back and see Miguel and his work buddies having some drinks...... I stood there and looked closely at him..,pit looked like he had some bruises on his face....
He wasn't in his office at all.... he lied....
I walked in the bar to the table were peter, Jessica his assistant and other workers were sitting at.
" Miguel." I said
He turn around as his eyes grew....
" honey what are you doing here...."" Miguel said
" I thought you said you were stuck in your office..." I said
" I was.."
" you know it was a long day and we just wanted to get a few drinks...." he said
" a few?" I said
Which made me let out a chuckled since I knew what a few meant....
Miguel let out a small chuckled and stood up and grabbed me pulling me on the side....
" what are you doing?" He asked
" I wanted to see you that's all...." I said
" what we're you doing?" I asked
" I already told you we came to get a few drinks after a long day okay that's all...." he said
I stood there and looked at him right in his eyes....
" why are you lying..." I said
" I'm not lying..." he said
" why will you think that?" He said
" then explain the bruises you have..." I said
" oh this..." he said
" yeah that.." I said
" what is that all about?" I said slightly tilting my head..
" you know things happen just forget about it...." he said
I was looking down.... knowing that he was just lying to me.....
" hey.." he said placing his hand on my cheek making me look at him....
" everything is perfectly fine....." he said
" you don't have to worry about anything..."
" how can I be sure about that?" I said
" cause I have everything under control....." he said
" you could trust me love..." he said pulling me into a kiss...
Do I trust him....?
I mean he is my husband... so i have to...

With your big lies - Miguel O'Hara fan fic Where stories live. Discover now