Chapter 28

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A few weeks later
I was on my way to meet up with Miguel. To spend time with him  for a bit. He called me to tell me that he wasn't too busy today and he wanted to see me to spend time. I was going to bring Gabriella but she wanted to stay home and play with her toys so I had to called the babysitter to take care of her while I was out.
I walked out the elevator going towards Miguel office but his assistant stopped me...
" he's not in his office right now..." she said
"Oh..." I said
" where is he then?" I asked
" he's at an important meeting" she said
" but you could come back later he won't be busy at all..." she said smiling
I nervously chuckled...
" okay then once he's out of the meeting tell him that his wife was here and to call..."I said
" will do Mrs O'Hara..." she said
" thank you.." I said walking back to the elevator
huh that's weird he told me he didn't had important things to do today...
Well maybe it was an meeting that he forgot...
So while I waited for Miguel to finish that meeting
I stay at a coffee shop looking through a magazine while drinking my coffee. I had my magazine covering my face but I felt if someone was standing in front of me.... I place my magazine down and look up seeing peter noir standing there...
" oh great..." I said
"Y/n." He said having a smile
The whole time I kept thinking about  Miguel....
I grabbed my things I walked out the building..
I didn't wanted things to be worse with me and Miguel.... not at this moment.....
" y/n wait" peter said following me out
" I'm sorry Peter but I can't be around you..." I said
" how come?" He said tilting his head...
I stood there giving him a small sign...
" oh.... your husband huh? Miguel he's controlling you huh..." he said
" is.. not that.." I said
" the last time he saw me talking to you... he... he be-"
" he became aggressive towards you?" He said
I nodded
" i warned you y/n..." he said
" all this time I warned you that he's an aggressive person once you truly get to know him.." he said
" he could change..." I said
" so leave peter before he ends up seeing..." I said
" then he's always spying on you..." he said
I stood there quietly not knowing what to say...
" okay that's enough peter what are you doing here I thought you left since you stopped working for Miguel...." I said
He stood there looking at me...
" I think it's obvious...." he said
And I realize why he was here......
" oh..." I said softly...
" cause of me..?" I said
As he nodded
" oh this is not good...." I said slowly feeling nauseous again...
If Miguel finds out that he was right I don't know what will happen.....
I took a step back
" I have to go.." I said walking away leaving him standing there.... peter took a deep breath... maybe he was also worry about what could happen.... mostly worry about her...
I was walking my way back to Miguel office
Trying to process all that
It was very unexpected....
But hey Miguel can't know about this... I mean who will tell him... it was just me and peter there no one else that knows Miguel.....  I took a deep breath and forced a smile walking out the elevator...
and walked in his office seeing him sitting on his desk.
" where have you been?" He asked with attitude
" what do you mean?" I asked
" you left me hanging here" he said
" well your assistant told me you were busy.." I said
" oh I see making excuses..." he said
" stop with the lying y/n..." he said
I was a little confused on why he was mad...
" wait Miguel are you seriously mad..." I said
" oh no of course why will I be mad at my wife for lying to me and also not telling me about where she's been......."
" after spending the whole time at the cafe and talking to someone I believe...." he said looking at me slightly angrily...
I stood there and slightly tilted my head
" how do you know where I was at...?" I said
" that's not the point... the point is that you lied to me...." he said
" I didn't lied okay..." I said
" yeah then why weren't you here.. instead of being over there...." he said
" well your assistant told me that you had an important meeting so I didn't wanted to be a bother..." I said
" I even asked her for you give me a call once you were done..." I said
" What she didn't told me anything" Miguel said as she walked in....
" oh...." she said
" I am so sorry I forgot..." she said
I stood there glaring at her..... I had an odd feeling from this girl....
" right you forgot...." I said
" y/n.." Miguel said
Are you kidding....
I looked at him seriously.....
" you know what fine..." I said
" I am sorry... I didn't wanted to bother you while your working...." I said
Grabbing my bag And leaving the building...
Miguel stood there letting out a sigh....
" I'm sorry...." his assistant said
" it's fine is not your fault..." he said
" it feels like is my fault... and I'm just sorry..." she said
" don't worry about it.... stuff like this happen.." he said giving her a smile "thank you Miguel..." she said smiling
" of course.." he said
She kept smiling at him and walked towards him placing her hand in his shoulder...
Miguel moved and clear his throat
" I think you should get to work.." he said
" of course" she said
" yeah..." Miguel said taking a deep breath and walking back into his office...
She went back to her desk and had a smirk on her face.... maybe she didn't forget to tell Miguel..... maybe she lied to y/n about that meeting....

With your big lies - Miguel O'Hara fan fic Where stories live. Discover now