Chapter 4

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A few days later
It was already night time and I was putting Gabriella to bed.
Once I was done tucking her in and gave her a kiss on her head I walked out her room then I walked in into the bedroom expecting Miguel to be getting ready for bed but he wasn't there.. so I walked out and and walked towards his office and and slowly open the door peaking in seeing him sitting down in his desk and look like he was writing something down.. I just open the door and walked in..
" hey" I said
He just looked up and hid the paper that he was writing on.. and gave me a small smile
" hey." He said said I just walked towards him and place my arms around him giving him a kiss on the cheek..
" what's going on?" I asked
" just a lot of work.." he said as I just started kissing him down his neck...
He just slightly tilted his head and had a small smirk...
" y/n...." he said
" what.." I said slightly chuckling
" I have a lot of work to do..." he said
" why don't you just take a small break.." I said
He just turn his chair around and looked at me.... having a small smirk.....
I just looked at him and place my hand on his cheek.....
" maybe a small break won't hurt" he said as he just picked me up walking out his office and walking into the bedroom closing the door with his foot. He place me down In the bed as he took of his shirt and pulled me into a deep kiss....  he kissed me down my neck leaving me marks everywhere. Feeling his hand aggressively grab me everywhere...
After all that we both flopped on the bed breathing heavily...
I was catching my breath as I felt Miguel place his hand on my cheek and pulled me into a kiss.... a very passionate kiss.... he pulled away and looked at me with a very big smile..
" I love you.. I love you so much..." he said as he kept kissing me
I pulled away and smiled at him
" I love you too Miguel..." I said slightly chuckling..
And place my hand on his cheek....
" maybe I should start taking break more often.." he said
" oh definitely" I said as we both let out small chuckles..
I looked at him and admire his beautiful eyes and smile..... his smile..... that soft smile he had.....
His beautiful eyes... those brown eyes that made me fall in love with him.....
I love him so much...... I don't think anything will change my mind on him....

That's what I thought.....

With your big lies - Miguel O'Hara fan fic Where stories live. Discover now