Chapter 11

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A year later
After being marry for a year now... things were perfect.. everything was perfectly fine between me and Miguel..... that's what I thought they were... till things were not the same anymore.... Miguel been mostly in his office most of the time and coming home late... for some reason  I don't know what he does that he's coming home that late.... it just seems like he's acting how he was before... also the fact he's acting aggressive... I will say.....  but I chose not to get In his way... doing it for the good for us for are family..... plus he has warn me... even though I get curious about the things he's hiding.... but enough with that...
It was early in the morning getting Gabriella ready for the day taking her to the park. I want her to interact with the kids there since I want her to be more social... I don't think it's good for her to be locked up in the house.....
After arriving to the park first thing gabbi did was ran to the playground and so fast she was already playing with some kids.. which made me happy for her seeing her smile and laugh so much.... I was glad.... very....
I smiled as I notice...
That Miguel work building was near the park so when I turn around I just notice a figure standing in the window and saw the curtains just closing...
I turn back around just took a deep breath...
" well that was something..." i whispered
After a few hours there we head back home...
Once I open the door gabbi ran inside the house.
I place my keys on the table and took off my coat placing in the coat hanger I turn around and see Miguel coming down the stairs..
" hey..." I said
" hey" he said smiling as he pulled me into a kiss
" where have you been?" He asked
" well I took gabbi to the park.... well your home early.." I said
" oh..." he said
" well I wanted to see my girls.." he said as I felt him place his hand on my waist....
" so what happen at the park...?" He asked....
" nothing..." I said
" just gabbi making some friends..." I said
" oh that great.." he said
" yeah..." I said
For some reason I though he was acting differently...
" is everything okay?" I asked
" yeah.. of course why?" He asked
" just cause..." I said
" well I'm being honest I was quite worried that you weren't home.... that you didn't told me where you were going..." he said
" well I only went to the park..." I said
" that all.." I said
" well at least should've told me..." he said
" well do I have to tell you everywhere I go or what?" I said tilting my head
" YES!" He shouted unexpectedly..
" oh great of course..." I said
" no wonder there was a spy..." I said
" I'm just protecting you okay..." he said looking at me angrily...
" of what exactly?" I said tilting my head...
He just took a deep breath and ran his hand through his hair
" where's gabbi?" He asked changing the topic...
" in her playroom. So exactly what are you hiding..." I said
" is nothing okay...." he said
" of course..." I said slightly chuckling
" I don't know why you act this way..." I said looking at him..
" you know I used to work..." I said
" I know I was your boss..." he said slightly grinning.....
" right an annoying boss that you were...." I said chuckling.....
" right..." he said grinning and tilting his head.....
I just let out a small nervous chuckled
And looked at him....
" Im the mother of your daughter I have the right to take her out to the park you can't just keep me locked up in this house forever Miguel...." I said
He just let out a chuckled and walked towards me placing his hand on my cheek....
" I already did my darling....." he said smirking......
" you are mine...." he said as he looked down my lips.... and felt him gripped onto my waist pull me into a deep kiss......
Well that was something shocking to hear from him...

With your big lies - Miguel O'Hara fan fic Where stories live. Discover now