Chapter 27

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The next day
I woke up almost out of the bed and Gabriella stretched out in bed... I looked over and see Miguel gone... I got out the bed and went to the restroom once I got out I see Miguel sleeping on the floor....
It made me let out a small chuckled.... which Miguel heard that he woke up...
" ah well look who's awake.." I said smiling at him
" how was sleeping In the floor?" I asked
" it was something.." he said getting up and picking up the he blanket placing it on the bed. And stood there looking at Gabriella asleep..
" she's some kicker.." he said
" tell me about after she used to kick me a lot for 9 months.." I said making Miguel chuckled
" at least we know she's going to be good at soccer" I said which made Miguel smile.
" I know she is..." he said
Later that day
I was upstairs getting ready.. I was looking at myself in the mirror and try to cover up the mark with makeup but nothing you could still see it..... I drop my brushes and let out a sigh...
" well great..." I said softly
After finishing getting ready we head out
Let's just say the car ride was very quiet.... for some reason... the whole time I was looking out the window... maybe I was still trying to process what happen the other night...
After arriving we went up to this building going to this elevator taking us to the top floor. Where once the door open there was a lot of lights everywhere and table in the middle..... well he wasn't joking about us being alone....
" wow...." I said
" this is very beautiful..." I said smiling at  as he grabbed my hand and walked towards the table..
" well want to make things special..." he said smiling at me
" ah...." I said slightly smirking...
" well that's very nice of you.." I said
"Of course..." he said I looked at him and had this small question.
" did we ever had a first date?" I asked slightly racing my brows...
" that's a very good question...." he said
" right..." I said
" at least we get have a other date where is just me and you.... alone...." he said Grabbing my hand and kissing it.....
I looked at him and see his eyes fill will lust.....
I slightly smirked....
" what else do you have plan for tonight?" I asked
" well you know after having are romantic dinner we go upstairs to are room.. have a little bit of wine.... and you know..." he said
" ah I see mr O'Hara...." I said
Slowly lean in towards till his phone rang....
" sorry..." he said
" but I have to take this.." he grabbing his phone walking away to somewhere quiet....
I let out a small sigh and looked over its barely been a second and I already see him mad and shouting....
Nothing new.... at all...
I sat there and waited for Miguel till he finally sat back down.. but he looked angry...
" is everything okay?" I asked
" everything is fine okay.." he said with an attitude
I decided not to say anything else.... I sat there and took a deep breath.....
He took a deep breath and looked at me...
" you look beautiful my love.." he said smiling
" oh why thank you" I said smiling back
" and you look quite handsome my love.."I said
" oh why thank you" he said making me chuckle. I looked at him with a smile....
" I wish it could always be like this..." i whispered...
" what was that?" Miguel asked
" nothing just that I wish it could always look this pretty every night...."I said
" oh.." he said looking at me...
"Yeah..." I said letting out a small sigh of relief..
After having dinner  I was in the restroom reapplying lipstick on. As I walked out I see Miguel on his phone. Which is very unusual for him to do....
I walked back to the table and sat down..
" who was that?" I asked
" oh um I was calling the babysitter to make sure how Gabriella is doing..." he said
" oh" I said
" yeah...." he said taking a deep breath...
I looked at him....
He's lying......
Of course he is.....
Nothing new I will say......
" hey" he said grabbing my hand
" why don't we head to the room.." he said
" that will be great.." i said
While we were in the elevator Miguel had his hand on my waist.
He lean in and kiss me down my neck....
" Miguel...." I said but he ignored me... and kept kissing me down.....
He stopped and felt his hand lifting up my dress...
He stopped and aggressively pulled me into a deep kiss...... once the elevator door open and he lift me up taking us to the room and opening the door closing it with his foot. He threw me on the bed and getting on me kissing me everywhere he got off and I was catching my breath... Miguel took off his shirt and pants and then lift of my dress taking it off he looked at me having a smile and placing his hands on my cheek and kiss my forehead.... " I love you.." he said I looked at him and smile and kissed him he got on me again...i place my hand on his back but he grabbed it and pin it down..I was pretty shocked how he was acting... this aggressive.....
I let out a small gasped feeling him insert himself.... Miguel let out a small moan and looked at me letting my hand go... and started to thrust in slow.... I slightly arch my back feeling his hand going down my waist to my back....
He started kissing me down my neck.. at that moment I felt him grip my waist..... he kept kissing me down my neck.... the whole time I was looking at the ceiling. Running my hands through his hair...Just had a small thought about something... I looked at him and i ran my hand on his back gripping on it and turning him over getting on him... I looked down at him slowly moved my hips making him throw his head on the pillow.. he wrapped his arms around my waist and pulling closed to him feeling him thrust his hips making me let out a small gasped.. he gripped on me tight thrusting his hips.... I was letting out small groans looking at him seeing his eyes were closed and was moaning so much.... he was close.... he kept thrusting his hips fast... his face was getting all red his chest sweaty the bed moving.. he let out one last moan and stood up thrusting in deep inside feeling him come.... I let out a small groan...
As he kept thrusting in and flopped on the bed.....I was catching my breath and looked down at him.. he was also trying to catch his breath.... I place my hand on his cheek... and lean in kissing his forehead....
" your not the only one who could be In control....." I said and getting of off him...  and laying next to him....
Miguel lay there having a smirk on his face.....
" well it's very unexpected of you.." he said
" right..." I said
" very unexpected...." i whispered and looked at the ceiling while Miguel turn around and looked at me...
" you okay?" He asked
" I'm fine..." I said looking at him with a small smile..
" of course I'm fine..  why wouldn't I be fine after this... this amazing night...." I said
" thank you..." I said placing my hand on his cheek...
" of course my love..."
" I will do anything for you my love...." he said.....
" anything for you.... the women that I love.... the women that I never want to lose...." he said
" your mine...." he said wrapping his arms around my waist pulling me close to him.... I looked at his eyes seeing them slightly red.... full of lust.....

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