Chapter 13

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Smut warning

A few days later
It was night time. And I was walking out of Gabriella room since I already put her to sleep so I was going downstairs to go clean up a little so there won't be a mess when I wake up so when I was going downstairs I just see Miguel already picking up the mess in the living room. And um for some reason I found it very hot when I saw his serious face and see his biceps since he was wearing a short sleeve shirt.... I just turn around and looked away and walked in the kitchen cleaned up the mess. After like a few minutes later Miguel walked..
" hey is there anything you need help with..?" He asked
" no.." I said as I looked at him feeling my face get all red....
" no.. not at all in less you want to help me with the dishes.." I said
" of course" he said as he gave me a smile....
I just smile back..
So we both stand in the sink as he scrubbed the dishes and I rinse them..
But the whole time I felt this feeling.... making me me feel weak on the knees....
I looked at Miguel feeling my whole body just get all red... my face got all red again....I took a deep breath and just looked away...
Miguel looked at me and he notice something was bothering me....
" you okay?" He asked
" yeah I'm fine why?" I asked
" well first off your face is all red..." he said as he looked at me with a smirk...
" oh..." I said
I just took a deep breath and let out a small chuckled
" I'm fine..." I said as I felt my whole body getting all heated up.....
" you sure?" He asked
" yes I am sure...." I said
" are you sure?" He asked
" uh-huh..." I said
" are you really sur-" I just cut him off
I felt myself breath heavily.... Miguel just had a smirk on his face...
" oh..." he said has he walked towards me with a smirk.. feeling his hand on my waist I looked at him as my cheeks were red....This feeling was taking over my whole body.... I couldn't even control it. Luckily it was night time and Gabriella was already asleep.... so once we were upstairs let's just say I was fully on him kissing him everywhere....  I took of his shirt and unbuckle  his pants pulling them down and push him down the bed. Miguel just looked at me a little shock...
" I am a little shock y/n..." he said having a smirk
" shut up" I said as I took off my shirt getting on him and pulling him into a kiss...
I kept kissing him everywhere...
And let out a gasped feeling him... making me grip on his shoulder....
I looked down at him seeing him let out a groan. I let out a moan as i slowly rocked my hips back and forth.... I place my hand on his chest feeling my nails dig on his skin...I started to move a little faster that I felt Miguel gripped on my waist.... I felt his hand going up my face .I looked down at him while I move my hips.. he place his thumb near my mouth and looked at me with a smirk.... I felt my whole body so tense... my cheeks were getting red... I felt myself getting closer.. so i started to move fast and hard making the bed hit the wall in each movement... Miguel let out a moan and threw his head on the pillow... it looked like he was also getting closer... i rocked my hips fast and pin Miguel hands down on the bed.. I looked at him as I was moving fast..... I felt I was getting closer till...
I let out a moan as I felt Miguel wrap his arm around me and pulled me close to him. He sat up and felt him thrust in me deep feeling him twitch and come... I let out a small moan feeling myself come as well... I gripped onto his back feeling my legs get all shaky.... I rest my head on his shoulder feeling my legs still shake..... I flopped on him breathing heavily.... just trying to process this..
" wow.... that's was amazing..." he said as he had a smile on his face and  I felt him rub my back and remove my hair from face...
I just looked at him and smile..,
" it really was..." I said getting off of him and laying on the bed......
" I never knew you could get like this..." he said looking at me with a smile
I just let out a chuckled...
" well you have your secrets I have mine.." I said
He let out a chuckled
I just sat up and lean on the bed frame as Miguel sat up and looked
And place his hand on my cheek....
" I love you..." he said looking at me right into my eyes...
I felt myself smile...
" I love you too Miguel..." I said
He then press his forehead on mine....
And felt him grab my hand....
" I'm doing all of this for us...." he whispered softly....
" doing what exactly...." I said
He just looked at me with a smirk....
"Don't worry about it my love...." he said as he just pulled me into a deep kiss....
Of course..... at this point I'm still trying to process all of this..

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