Chapter 16

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The next day
I woke up with the sun hitting my face..
I just let out a small groan and threw my arm on the end feeling the other side empty... I just open my eyes and see Miguel was already gone.....
I let out a groan and just stood up...seeing the bed sheets on the ground and pillows as well  including my night gown and Miguel clothing...
I just had a smile on my face....
last night was just perfect....
I gripped onto the sheets just thinking about it....
I just took a deep breath and got myself ready for the day... and clean up the bedroom..
But after that it seem like a good day to go for a walk so that's what me Gabriella did the whole morning.
Which was nice being out again actually getting fresh air seeing the birds fly around seeing ducks in the pond.. meeting new people actually interacting with others... not just Miguel... it seems like he just wants me to look at him and not others...... I let out a small chuckled.... he's probably not that type of guy..... right.... he definitely isn't......
We kept walking and didn't notice how fast time went that it was already like 3pm  already...
So we went back home so I could cook dinner.
Once we got home. I place my keys down in the table gabbi went running to the back to go play in the playground..
I just walked to the kitchen
And out of nowhere I see Miguel just standing right in front of me.
I let out a gasped since I wasn't expecting him to be here already..
" gosh Miguel..." I said
" when did you get here?" I asked as he looked at it look like he was mad but happy at the same time.......
" an hour ago..." he said
" oh..." I said
" so how was work...?" I asked
" like usual...."he said
" uh-huh.." I said
" where's gabbi?" He asked
" she's outside on the playground" I said
"Oh...." he said he just looked at me and lean on the counter
" so..." he said
" so...?" I said looking at him with a smile....
I just kept looking at him admiring basically....
But I notice something....
" what happen to your cheek your bleeding?" I asked
" oh this... is nothing just a paper cut at work..." he said
" a paper cut on your cheek?" I said
" yeah you know sometimes the paper goes flying and yeah you know...." he said
I notice he was nervous by the change of his tone....
" Miguel stop lying...." I said
" Im not lying okay...." he said
" Miguel...." I said looking at him...
" what happen that you are also cover in blood in your hands....." I said
" oh that..." he said
" nothing okay..." he said
I just slightly tilted my head...
" why don't you want to tell me?" I said
" well I don't want you to worry that's all..." he said
" right....." I said
" that's exactly the point for me not to worry...." I said
" but your making it impossible for me not to worry...." I said
" why do you like hiding things from Miguel...." I said
" oh great here comes this argument again...." he said
" I'm just protecting you alright..." he said
" from what exactly...." I said
" you said that you weren't going to hide anything from you weren't going to lie but that's the first thing you do just lie...." I said
Miguel just took a deep breath
" Miguel what exactly are you trying to protect me from huh? What exactly are you hiding" I said
" THIS ISNT YOUR BUSINESS OKAY IS MINE SO LET ME TAKE CARE OF IT!" He shouted unexpectedly and looked at me with eyes getting all red....
I just looked at him angrily....
Of course we're arguing again....
" you know what forget about it..."
" let's not make it a big deal....." I said walking out the kitchen...
" y/n...." Miguel said as he follow me out....
I just ignore him as he grabbed me aggressively....
Making me look at him.....
I just look at his brown eyes....
Oh gosh those eyes......
" why don't we just forget about this...." I said
" that will be best decision...." He said
" yeah..." I said
" just one thing...." he said
" just stop worrying... everything is fine..... we're fine.....are family is fine ..."
He place his thumb on my chin lifting it up.....
" don't worry about anything...." he said
" I have everything under control...." he said smiling at me......
I just smile at he pulled me into a kiss....
He's right......
Basically Everything is under his control.....

With your big lies - Miguel O'Hara fan fic Where stories live. Discover now