Chapter 14

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A few days later
It was me and Gabriella in the kitchen preparing for dinner. I was rushing to finish cooking that I didn't hear the front door open or hear anyone walk in the kitchen till I felt Miguel strong arms around my waist pulling me close to him and kiss my cheek and neck.
" there's my beautiful wife" he said as I felt him kiss me down my neck..
" well someone is in a good mood.." I said turning around and facing him. He place his hands on my waist
" of course I finally get to see my beautiful wife and daughter" he said smiling
" and talking about my princess where did she go" he said as he was looking around the whole kitchen.
"She's probably in the living room" I said
Miguel walked in and saw the fort that me and Gabriella built this morning and heard Gabriella giggle.
" huh I wonder where Gabriella O'Hara is" he said as he heard her giggle again. He just had a smile and kneel down and got inside the fort
" oh there's my little princess" he said as he took her out the fort and grabbed her leg picking her up which Gabriella was just laughing a lot.
So I walked out the kitchen and check on them. I walked in the living room seeing Miguel holding her upside down
" Miguel put her down" I said
" what we're just having fun" he said
" right Gabriella?" He said
" YEAH!" She shouted
" alright then missy calm down" I said
" but dinner is ready" I said
After having dinner
Gabriella went back to the living room and play in the fort while me and Miguel were both sitting down In the dining table just talking.
" so how was work?" I asked
" like usual.." he said
" oh.." I said
" what about you how was your day?" He asked
" it was good.. had fun with Gabriella building that fort." I said as I gave him a small smile...
He just grabbed my hand and kissed it and looked at me with a soft smile....
" I love you y/n..." he said
" I love you too..." I said
I looked at him.. looked at his beautiful brown eyes...
I place my hand on his cheek....
Eyes never lie.....
But maybe his eyes are probably big lies.....
" it's getting late I'm going to go put gabbi to bed.." I said
" okay then" he said I just stood up walking out the dining room.
Miguel just let out a sigh and walked out the dining room.
After putting Gabriella to sleep and went back downstairs and see Miguel sitting down in the bar....
" oh gosh..." i softly whispered...
" Miguel....." I said walking towards him as I see him pouring himself a drink...
" what." He said
" it's just one drink okay that's all..." he said as he took a sip....
" are we sure about that?" I said
" very sure..." he said
" calm down y/n what's going to happen..." he said as he place his hand on my waist...
" your clearly never seen yourself when you drink..." I said
" it's just one drink okay..."
" okay don't worry nothing is going to happen..." he said
" alright then.." I said
" I'm going to bed and you better be up there once you finish that alright.. or else..." I said
" or else what?" He said slightly smirking...
" or else...." I said smirking at him and kiss his head and head upstairs.
Miguel just looked at his drink and then he look up and had a small smile as he looked at her going upstairs.... and then  he began taking a other sip......
An hour has pass and Miguel still wasn't in the room...
I just lay there looking at the ceiling just waiting for him to come upstairs.
I just took a deep breath and got up and head downstairs to check on Miguel... as I walked out the bedroom all the lights were off.... so I went downstairs and check if Miguel was still there but he wasn't.... there was just a couple of glasses on the counter....I just let out a sigh and head back upstairs seeing the lights on from his office...
I open the door seeing no one inside... I was a little shock that it was open. I just turn off the light and closed it before Miguel just appeared out of nowhere....
I just found it odd.... I went to go  check on Gabriella.
After walking out her bedroom and walk back in the bedroom just to see Miguel already laying in bed.....
Well I'm  a little shocked that he randomly appeared here.. but that's Miguel he's just full of surprises..... I just went back to the bed and lay next to him... as soon as I place the blanket on me I felt his arms around me. Pulling close to him.... he had a very strong grip...he place his chin on my shoulder. The whole time I heard his snoring but I didn't care this actually felt nice.....
I wish it could always be like this since past few days we been arguing... he's been coming home late always at the office....but let's forget about that..... I just close my eyes and fell asleep....
I wish it could always be like this..... but who knows.... Who knows what Miguel is doing.... what lies he's hiding that makes him aggressive....

With your big lies - Miguel O'Hara fan fic Where stories live. Discover now