Chapter 33

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A few days later
Miguel was in the office late.. he had a lot of work to do.
He wanted to do this on his own so he sent everyone home.
He was in his office finishing up the work that he had. When he heard the door open seeing his assistant.
he wasn't expecting for her to actually stay here...
" I thought you left what are you still doing here?" He asked
" I didn't wanted to leave you alone..." she said smiling at him..
Miguel clear his throat.
" well that's nice of you but I think you should leave.." he said
" no it's fine I am you assistant and I want to help..." she said getting close to him putting her hand on his shoulder..
" thats why's I'm here to help right..." she said smirking
Miguel sat there not knowing to react to this...
" come on Miguel..." she said going down
" no.." he said pushing her and standing up....
" I gave you an order and as my assistant I want you to listen...." he said
" I'm not leaving" she said tilting her head
" leave.... or else I have you fired..." he said
She stood there looking at him angrily
" your pathetic...." she said
" you never acted this way before...."
" what happen?" She said
" I don't know what your talking about..." he said putting his coat on
" oh please don't be playing your silly games..."she said
" you were desperate..." she said
" stop lying.... cause I don't know what your talking about..." he said and walked away which made her angry....
" your going to regret this O'Hara....." she said wanting to get revenge on him....
The whole car ride Miguel felt guilt about what happen in there.... his assistant just placing her hands on him like that... it felt wrong that he felt guilty... he felt more guilty that he's been hiding something from
Y/n... something that she should never find out about..
As he got home he was walked in the front door placing his keys on the table.
" hey" he heard y/n and turn around seeing her walking down the stairs. She walked towards him a smile. A very big smile.
" how was wo-" she got cut off by him kissing her....
Y/n pulled away and looked at him shocked
" you okay?" She asked
" I'm fine enough about work.. I just want to kiss you everywhere" he said grabbing her aggressively
But y/n pushed him off
She knew the way he was acting .... something was up....
" what happen?" She asked
" nothing okay"
" I'm fine" he said
Y/n tilted her head.
" Miguel..." she said
" it's just been a busy day that's all" he said
"Oh" she said
" yeah a lot of paper work I had to do." He said chuckling nervously
" I could Imagine" she said
Miguel sat on the steps of the stairs.....
" yeah." He said letting out a sigh.
" what's going on?" She asked
" nothing... really" he said
" can I believe you?" She asked
" of course you can.. cause I promised.." he said smiling at me...
Y/n smiled back and walked towards him. Placing her hand on his shoulder
" I know you did..." she said
Miguel softly smiled wrapping his arms around her waist and gently placed his face on her stomach.
" let's go to bed.." she said  but Miguel didn't let go..
" no.." he said gripping on my waist
" I want to stay like this for a little longer.." he said
" okay.." she said softly
Y/n place her hand on his head running her hands through his hair..
She had a small smile... and let out a small sigh....
later that night
They were both upstairs in the bedroom y/n was getting ready for bed while Miguel was brushing his teeth.
" so you didn't tell me how was work?" She asked
" like usual..." he said  walking out the restroom
" huh." Y/n said
" what about you how was your day?" He asked
" well me and Gabriella were just in the garden most of the time so.. good" she said smiling
Miguel looked at her while she was smiling. He had the biggest smile and his eyes were sparkling.
" what?" She said
" nothing..." he said
" I'm just so damn in love with you y/n..." he said walking towards her and pulling her into a passionate kiss... that it left y/n speechless...
He pulled away having a smile....
" wow..." she said softly smiling having her cheeks red..
Which made Miguel chuckled..
He grabbed her hand pulling her into the bed with him and getting on her...
And just In a second they were both under the covers making out.
Miguel was very gentle...he was giving her soft kisses down her neck.. she was even shocked how gentle he was... but she remembered he was proving her how much he loves her..... but it did left y/n think that it was odd the way he was acting differently today.... but she wasn't too worried about it... at least not yet....

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