New body?

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After a lot of wandering in the corridor, I became even more certain that this was an ordinary school. The only difference between it and the school I went to when I was young was its much cleaner and more modern appearance.

I saw a young man coming out of a room with files in his hands. He looked quite young, but the suit and glasses he was wearing led me to believe that he was a teacher and not a student.

When I entered the room from which that man came out, I saw a room where a few people were resting, dressed quite luxuriously and formally for a student.

In the corner of the room were computers, which is what I was looking for. And the people who saw me enter the room turned their heads towards me and called out to me.

I could guess that they were teachers because they added the word student to my name, but strangely enough they were all quite young.

Perhaps the school I was in was selective about hiring young teachers in general. I put the matter behind me and sat down at one of the computers without permission.

I had specifically chosen a working computer so that I wouldn't have to deal with passwords and such.

A young man, who I guessed was a teacher, got angry at my behavior, raised his voice and came up to me and tried to pull me by the arm. I didn't know what kind of situation I was in, so instead of acting aggressively, I ignored him and went online.

I had never seen any of the symbols on the computer's home screen before, but I had seen similar ones. Probably the owner of this computer was someone who liked to customize application symbols or use different themes on the computer screen.

I didn't dwell on it too much and just clicked on the symbol of what I guessed was the internet browser and typed "where am I" directly in the tab that opened.

In a school like this one, the internet probably worked in a centralized way. I think the centralized internet would usually have a specific location.

As soon as I typed it into the internet, as I expected, I got an answer.

The first thing that popped up was a website with the title How to find out where you are, but that wasn't the important thing. The important thing was the location information in small letters in the corner of the tab.

Your query is answered by city H...

I closed my eyes for a short while and thought about it, but I couldn't think of any city in the world that had a city name using a single letter.

Confused, I decided to look for this information on the internet and typed maps into the search field.

After clicking on the first tab that appeared, I came across a very strange map.

Contrary to my expectations, it was not a world map. But after examining it for a while, I realized that it was not a map of a city. It should have been a map of a country, but as someone who could draw a world map blindly, I knew that such a country did not exist.

In the meantime, I couldn't resist the force of the man tugging on my arm and stood up, which was strange because I was obviously physically gifted.

When I saw that the man, who was only about 1 meter 80 centimeters tall at a glance, was taller than me, I knew that something was wrong. Now all the answers I could give to the question of what kind of situation I was in belonged to the genre of fantasy fiction.

When I grabbed the wrist of the man holding my arm and pressed the bones on both sides, he opened his hand involuntarily and let me go. Then I left the room without looking back and stood in front of one of the mirrors in the hallway.

The person I saw was definitely not me, it was a girl or maybe a boy with long red hair. I had a very sensitive complexion and even my eye color was red like my hair.

Moreover, I could timidly guess that my hair was not dyed, but an original shade.

When I hesitated once again in fear of whether I was a man or a woman, I tugged my pants and confirmed that my gender was male. 

"Hey Victor, are you crazy? What the hell are you doing during class time? Why aren't you in class? Who is your teacher?"

I was briefly lost in thought before I turned to the male teacher who had been following me for a while and answered.

I was still unsure of exactly what kind of situation I was in, but after a thorough analysis I came to the conclusion that speech is silver and silence is gold.

I stared at the teacher's face with no answer, while the chatty teacher went on and on and on.

Apparently he really saw me as a student and judged me for leaving the classroom as he would judge a student.

Thinking that I should take a step to adapt to the situation, I bent 90 degrees and apologized. When I heard the light tone of my voice, I was sure that the body I was in now was not my body.

After apologizing a few more times, the teacher calmed down and told me to go back to class.

I did what he said and went back to my class and apologized to my class teacher one more time.

Apparently people know me as a model student and have a high tolerance for a student like me making mistakes.

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