2players game

3 1 0

"Don't be silly, victor"

"Just kidding, hahaha"

"Tch, I have things to do, I'm leaving"

I also saw a few small beads of sweat on Sofia's neck before she disappeared.

My gamble was worth it and the odds went up to 80%.

From the way she looked at me, something must have happened between us when we were kids. But it was definitely not about love.

There's a softness in the way she looks at me that she's trying to hide. When I put together the information I had gathered since I had learned that I would not be favored by girls because of my looks, I came to the following conclusion:

Sofia finds me cute but not attractive. She is protective of me but doesn't feel responsible for me. What could it be...

Ahahaha I get it. It's a dog. Ahahaha, really. A cute little lap dog...

That must be how she sees me. I must be like a cute little ornamental dog that needs protection. That's a bit more clear.

I think the odds are 85% now.

There's only one thing left to raise the odds to the 90% I need, and that's waiting.

If my guesses about her personality are correct, she must not have the habit of taking and hiding nude pictures of herself, a habit that many girls as beautiful and popular as she is do to feed their desire for control and risk.

And if she has such a habit, it means that all my guesses about her are wrong and that she is very skilled at hiding her true nature.

Of course, it is quite simple to verify this. If she reappears in the room soon and warns me again not to touch her computer, or if she briefly removes me from the room, then all the odds I've gathered fall to zero again.

So I will wait, to see how harmless she sees me or how little she has to worry about.


So Victor waited, and his prediction turned out to be correct. In his opinion Sofia didn't really have anything important to hide from him. To Victor, that meant she was someone who lived her life without taking too many risks.

Victor took out his phone and pushed the giant teddy bear on the pink bed into a corner and lay down on the bed while he searched the internet.

So about an hour passed.

An hour later Sofia suddenly appeared in the middle of the room, her eyes red with anger, and she raised her fist and punched Victor directly in the stomach.

Her behavior was so sudden that even Victor couldn't react and he grabbed his stomach and crumpled his body.


"Uh, I'm sorry, Victor. Are you okay? I forgot you were here?"

"No, I'm fine. You have good fists."

"Just hold on a little longer and I'll call my mom"

"No, no, no, I'm fine. Really."

As the pain in my stomach subsided, out of the corner of my eye, I watched Sofia out of panic, not knowing what to do. I don't think she punched me on purpose. Where I had been lying until just now was normally her teddy bear.

So she's the kind of girl who punches her teddy bear when she gets angry.

"Why are you so annoyed?"

"I swear I didn't hit you on purpose."

"Okay, that's fine, I get it. But why were you angry so much that you punched the bed?"

"Hufff... It's not enough that I've lost nine games in a row, I died in the last one by accidentally falling from a height."

"Maybe it's because you're too stressed. You should get some rest."

"Tch like that's even possible"

Sofia ignored me and opened the mini fridge next to the computer desk, took out a couple of energy drinks and drank them one after the other.

After she finished drinking the energy drinks, she pushed me off the bed and lay down herself.


As I sat in the chair in front of the computer and listened to the meaningless sounds Sofia was making, I thought of something I had been wondering about.

"Sofia, how would you like to play a two-player game?"

Her reaction to my words was to roll her head to the side and look at me lazily with eyelids that she couldn't move due to fatigue.

Then she smiled arrogantly as if she understood why I had asked her to do such a thing and slowly got up from the bed.

"Ha ha ha haa if you tell me the real reason why you want to play a two-player game with me, I'll play a two-player game with you."

"The real reason?"

"Tell me the truth, do you want to use the gym tools in my personal space or do you want to be boosted by an experienced player like me?"

I was a little confused about why I would lie to her about using gym stuff, probably because there was something I didn't know about it, so I chose the second option.

"Heh? You gave up so quickly."

Seeing the disappointment on Sofia's face, I guessed she wanted to see me blush in a cute way, but my self-respect doesn't allow me to do embarrassing things unless it's very important.

"Anyway, now that you've confessed, I'll play a game with you. I might take this as an opportunity to give myself a rest. But first allow me to get 10 minutes of sleep"

For the next 10 minutes I would sit in the chair and wait for her to fall asleep, but as far as I could see, all she did was pretend to be asleep. I can't sleep for ten minutes when someone else is sitting in a chair next to me. There is nothing abnormal about that.

After 10 minutes had passed, I waited for a while and woke Sofia up.

"It's been ten minutes already? Wow, let's go in."

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