incorrect quotes something

58 4 6

Smg2: this is the worst book about dinosaurs I've ever read

Smg1: that's a phosphorus smg2

Smg2: well for a book with saurs in the name, there's only been 4 dinosaurs by page 312

Smg1: I don't know what you were expecting


Melony: axol! If you water water it grows!

Axol: it's 3 am melony...

Melony: look I brought you a glass of water to prove it!

Axol: how did you get inside my house..


Smg3: ow! Damnit..why do bad things happen to good people?

Meggy: you're not a good person smg3


Smg4: smg3 look I turned myself into a cat!

Smg3 just tryna make coffee:

Smg4: im a cat smg3..I'm a cat burrito!



Eldritch axol: now isn't this interesting


Meggy: did you take your meds today?

Mario: I don't need my meds, I'm not schizophrenic! I'm a genius

Peach watching mario run around butt naked screaming Smg4, slowly calling toads worth for help:


Niles: you and me we're not the same

Niles: I am a sinner

Niles pointing at smg0: you are a saint


Mr. Puzzles: I saved you ..and you..saved me

Smg4 disappointed: meggy whyd you save that guy?

Meggy: mother fucker-


Niles: I killed you...and you...killed me

Fred: 0 whyd you kill that guy?

Smg0: mother fucker he killed himself!


Smg4: I have no idea how we're still alive!

Smg4 chuckling: it makes no sense!

Smg4 laughing as he pulls 3 into a hug, the two just laughing with one another:


Uhh this might be the only oc thing I add, idk

L30N: you're asking me about my theories?

L30N: I've waited years for someone to ask me about my theories!


Kaizo: just the two of this classroom in the sky

Whimpu: crimes of passion are just fine!

Kaizo: just the two of us..

Kaizo chuckles: quite a drastic pick up line

Whimpu: leaving characters to die, just to guarantee you're mine


Smg4: you must be right, this is a tv star

Smg4: except a tv star is liked and calm

Smg4 points at Mr puzzles: this one is not the best example, something is clearly wrong


Mario: course you could've been together

Mario: smg4 loved you from the start,he was just scared of his feelings. For all his cockiness he didn't know how to act around you, but you know 4...he likes to hide


Smg4: I.. feel bad..about...what happened

Smg3:'re apologising?

Smg4: yes! I'm.. sorry

Smg3: okay...I don't forgive you

Smg4 taken aback: 3..I said I'm sorry

Smg3: yeah..and I do not forgive you.


Luigi: I stay awake at night because I don't even know what my favourite colour is!

Luigi: and I'm afraid I don't have a real personality..


Melony: you shouldn't be anywhere near the fight! You're too important!

Fishy boopkins: I'm not!

Melony: yes you are!

Fishy boopkins: no!

Melony: why won't you let me do this for you axol!


Wren: this latest little game of yours, thank the stars it's over

Wren: did you have fun? Did you get everything out your system

Meggy: i-

Wren: good good...welcome home meggy


Smg4: im about to get in this man's truck

Smg4: how you doing

Smg4 demonic laugh:

Smg3 pointing a gun at 4:

Smg4: oh! Don't point that gun at my you lgbt cause your gun pink


Mario: tell me why...your hands...are cold

Mr. Puzzles: ...cold hands are often a sign of that your body is trying to maintain its regular body temperature


Fm, saiko, whimpu, minion: we like other colours but pink just looks so good on us!

Fm: P, panic!

Whimpu: I, I'm scared

Saiko: N, nuisance

Minion: K..death!


Mario holding up and orange: this ginamonosaurs whatever you say giagantisaurs, giman, gimanomoraus,

Meggy:...and you fell for that?

Smg4: yep


Uhhh yeah that's about it, I'm tried, it's nearly 3 am, i haven't got a text back and won't sleep till I get said text back.

I refuse sleep until get a text.

Smg4 shitty groupchat thingyWhere stories live. Discover now