It's so high school at Hanil Foreign Language High School with a new addition in the middle of the semester. Baek Hyun Woo, a Year 3 transfer student in his final year of high school meets Hong Hae-in, a Year 2 student who is the future heiress of Q...
"Pil-sook ah, can I ask you a serious question?" Hae-in asked, her voice barely a whisper.
It was another beautiful day at Hanil High, the sun casting a warm glow over the campus. But Hae-in's mind was far from the pleasant weather. Rather, it was on the dreadfully long morning she had.
"Of course, Hae-in," Pil-sook replied, their footsteps echoing on the concrete pathway as they made their way to the canteen.
"It's about Baek Hyun Woo sunbaenim," Hae-in continued.
Pil-sook tilted her head, her eyebrows furrowed in confusion. "What about him?" she asked.
Hae-in took a deep breath. "He's popular amongst the female population, am I right?"
Pil-sook nodded hesitantly, still unsure of where Hae-in was going with this conversation.
"How popular are we talking about?" Hae-in pressed steadily.
Pil-sook pursed her lips, considering her answer carefully. "Ummm..." she began, her voice filled with uncertainty. "I know many girls want to date him," she finally admitted, her eyes widening in realisation of what Hae-in was implying.
And there it was, that strange feeling in her gut. Hae-in could feel her insides churning uncomfortably and though she couldn't quite pinpoint the exact emotion, it was definitely unsettling.
Truthfully, Hae-in didn't need to ask Pil-sook that question. She already knew the answer.
It was spring cleaning day at school, and the entire student body had been out in the corridors all morning carrying out their duties. As luck would have it, classes 2A and 3A were situated on opposite sides of the building, offering Hae-in an unobstructed view of Hyun Woo and his classmates. It didn't take her too long to spot her boyfriend amongst the masses for he was a head taller than most.
All morning, Hae-in had been trying to keep the traces of unhappiness off her face, but it was becoming increasingly difficult to ignore the constant attention Hyun Woo was receiving from his long line of female admirers.
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She had seen it all: girls offering to take over his cleaning duties, their voices laced with concern as they expressed worry about him straining his back or girls offering him snacks and water. Hyun Woo, ever the gentleman, would decline their offers with a polite smile, but the way he interacted with them made Hae-in's heart clench.
She had always known Hyun Woo was popular, but the extent of his appeal was becoming painfully clear. A wave of jealousy washed over her, and she couldn't shake the feeling that she was losing him to the countless admirers surrounding him.
By recess, Hae-in was half-cursing her decision to keep their relationship a secret. Don't get her wrong, Hae-in had her fair share of suitors, but witnessing other girls openly flirt with her gorgeous and very taken boyfriend was a different kind of annoyance altogether.