Chapter 57: Vertical windmill

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Chapter 57

Chu Hechao ran out of the manor directly.

As if there were jackals and tigers chasing him from behind, Chu Hechao did not dare to stop. When he stopped, he had already walked to the frozen river beside the field.

It was freezing cold, and the hot air he exhaled turned into white mist. Chu Hechao stood there for a while, walked to the river and squatted, staring at the frozen water absent-mindedly.

The water reflected his shadow, embarrassed and frightened. But the shadow kept changing, and turned into another face with red lips and white teeth.

Chu Hechao was so scared that his face suddenly changed, and he suddenly stretched out his hand to crush the shadow in the pool.

The figure shook, the ice water broke into several pieces, and the reflection disappeared.

Chu Hechao's face did not improve. He glanced out of the corner of his eye and found that his hands were shaking.

It was ridiculous that the hand of the God of War of the Northern Zhou Dynasty was shaking because of a young man.

The sky gradually darkened, and Chu Hechao did not move, his thighs seemed to be frozen in place. He seemed to have thought a lot, but it seemed that he had thought of nothing. His mind went blank, and even in the winter, a cold sweat broke out on his forehead.

Under the night, the river in front of him was no longer a river, but a dark abyss of incest.

Family ethics, courtesy, righteousness, and shame, everything turned into demons and monsters that surrounded Chu Hechao and tortured him.

"You actually fell in love with your sister-in-law?"

"What are you thinking about!"

"--That's your brother's wife."

"Your parents married Chu Mingfeng!"

The words that the Xiongnu Chanyu had said to try to anger Chu Hechao also echoed in his ears again and again.

Chu Hechao had a blank expression on his face, and his eyes were up and down.

Even if he wanted to deny it, he also recognized the fact that he did have thoughts about Yuanli... beyond uncle and sister-in-law.

His heart was beating, and he wanted to devour and lick Yuanli like fire. The idea of ​​​​moving came out of his bones, and Chu Hechao crossed that line both mentally and physically when facing Yuanli.

That was not what a brother-in-law should think of his sister-in-law, but a man who was teasing and looking at the person he wanted to possess.

This kind of dirty thoughts are obviously not allowed to see the light.

What's more, Yuanli and Chu Mingfeng are in love.

Chu Hechao's breathing was heavy, and there was a hint of pain. His eyes blurred, and it seemed that Chu Mingfeng looked at him coldly.

Chu Mingfeng said sarcastically: "Ci Ye, I asked you to take care of my wife more. Is this how I asked you to take care of her?"

Chu Hechao said: "Get lost."

The voice disappeared, and Chu Hechao closed his eyes.

After a few days, Yuanli's cold was completely cured.

The doctor was surprised that he could recover so quickly. Yuanli thought that this might be related to his daily use of pepper and salt water to soak his feet to drive away the cold. He also told Liu Jixin this method and asked Liu Jixin to do it according to this method. Liu Jixin's condition really improved a lot.

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