Chapter 2

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Clove's POV

As we prepared to meet Oliver, I couldn't shake the feeling that this was a moment for Evie. Whatever came next, we'd face it together, and I'd be right by her side.

Evie and I arrived at a restaurant, and as we walked in, we quickly recognized Oliver from his profile picture. He looked just like the photo sharp features, Blonde hair , and an air of confidence about him. As soon as we approached, he greeted us with a warm smile.

"Evelyn, it's so great to finally meet you," Oliver said, extending his hand for a friendly handshake.

Evie returned the gesture, smiling back. "Yeah, it's great to meet you too."

Then, his gaze shifted to me, and I could see a flicker of confusion in his eyes, though it was paired with a friendly demeanor. "Oh, and you are?" he asked, curiosity evident in his tone.

I quickly stepped in, not wanting to seem out of place. "Oh, I'm Clover, but you can call me Clove. I'm Evie's best friend. I hope I'm not intruding I just thought it'd be safer for her if I came along."

Oliver's expression softened as he nodded understandingly. "No worries, I don't mind at all. Nice to meet you, Clove," he said, extending his hand towards me for a handshake.

I took his hand, feeling the firm yet friendly grip. "Nice to meet you too," I replied, my voice steady but my mind still racing with thoughts about what this meeting could mean for Evie.

As we sat down, I could feel the anticipation in the air. This was just the beginning of something that could change everything. But no matter what, I knew I'd be there for Evie, every step of the way.

We stayed for a while, chatting here and there. Oliver shared stories about life in London and what he knew about Evie's newly discovered family. He talked about their traditions, the places they owned, and the history they were a part of. Evie, in turn, shared her own story what it was like growing up without knowing where she truly came from and how much this connection meant to her.

The conversation flowed easily until it took a sudden turn when Oliver, with a surprising urgency, practically begged Evie to return to London with him for an upcoming wedding. I wasn't really paying full attention until I picked up on the name "De Ville." Something about it sent a shiver down my spine, leaving an eerie feeling I couldn't quite shake.

Oliver's voice pulled me out of my thoughts. "Clove, you should come too. I'm sure Evie would appreciate having more company," he said, catching me off guard.

I had never been to London before, and the idea of going was both exciting and nerve-wracking. "Yes, please come, Clo," Evie chimed in, nudging me gently and begging with the same enthusiasm Oliver had shown her.

"Are you sure? I really wouldn't want to intrude, especially since it's a family matter," I hesitated, trying to be considerate.

But Evie wouldn't take no for an answer. "Clover, you are coming with me to London, no arguments. You're basically my sister, so technically, you're family. Plus, even if you say no, I'm dragging you onto that plane," she said, her determination clear.

Oliver watched the exchange with a friendly smile, clearly amused by our dynamic.

"Okay, okay, fine I'll go," I finally agreed, unable to resist her persistence.

"That's what I thought," Evie said, flashing a triumphant grin.

The rest of the lunch went smoothly as we continued to chat, the excitement of our upcoming trip to London lingering in the air. We wrapped up our meal with a sense of anticipation and a shared understanding that our lives were about to change in ways we couldn't yet imagine. As we left the restaurant, I couldn't help but feel that this was only the beginning of a journey that would test the strength of our bond and reveal secrets we had never expected to uncover.


Today, we finally head to London. Evie and I can hardly contain our excitement as we check in our bags and make our way to the gate. Oliver had been more than generous, upgrading us both to first class—a first for me. As we walked through the airport, a thought kept gnawing at the back of my mind. The name "De Ville" echoed in my memory, something about it felt familiar, almost too familiar. I tried to recall where I'd heard it before, then it hit me—my
mothers grimoire. There was a mention of that name, something about it being linked to an old, powerful family with a dark, supernatural history. I couldn't remember the details, but the unease lingered.

Just as I was about to delve deeper into my thoughts, the boarding announcement came over the loudspeaker, pulling me back to reality. It was time to go.

The plane ride was beyond anything I had ever experienced. The plush seats, the endless supply of snacks, and the sheer comfort of it all felt surreal. I could tell Evie was just as amazed, though she hid it better than I did.

After what felt like a lifetime in the air, we finally arrived in England. We collected our luggage and made our way out to the arrivals area, where we spotted Oliver holding a sign that read "Alexander." His smile was as bright as ever as we approached him.

"Girls, welcome! It's so good to see you both again," he said warmly, giving Evie a friendly embrace and then extending the same to me. I returned the gesture, still a little wary but grateful for his hospitality.

Oliver helped us with our bags, and soon we were heading out to the car. As we settled into the backseat, I couldn't shake the feeling that we were heading toward something far more significant than a simple family reunion. The fact that we were staying at the De Ville's home only added to my unease. I knew there was more to this story, and as much as I wanted to protect Evie, I also knew that we were stepping into something that might be far beyond anything we had ever faced.

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