Chapter 11

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The song during this whole thing (one of my fav's from ballet)

I blinked, trying to clear the fog from my vision. I was lying on a couch in what appeared to be a library, dimly lit but still faintly illuminated by the warm glow of a single lamp. I looked down to see if I was still in my dress from the dinner but my clothes had changed into one of my own pajama sets. The heavy scent of aged paper and leather filled the air. As my eyes adjusted, I saw Walt standing by a vintage record player, his hand delicately placing the needle on a vinyl. The familiar strains of "Swan Lake" began to play, the haunting melody echoing softly throughout the room. He moved to the couch next to me, his expression calm, almost amused.

"Trying to move won't help, little witch," he said, his voice holding a hint of a teasing tone. The words sent a chill down my spine.

I tried to sit up, but my limbs felt like they were weighed down by lead, my body weaker than it had ever been. "Why am I so weak? What did you do?" I managed to croak, my voice coming out in a hoarse whisper.

Walt's lips curled into a faint smile as he settled into the chair, crossing one leg over the other. "Well, when Viktoria and Lucy were attempting to bring you here, you put up quite a fight," he explained, almost casually. "You tried to cast a spell on Viktoria... so she had no choice but to knock you out. My apologies for that; I had instructed them not to harm you."

His explanation did little to calm the panic rising in my chest. My memories from the dinner flooded back, the blood, the strange rituals, the way everyone seemed so... not human. I forced myself to focus on Walt's face, trying to make sense of everything. "Why... why am I here?" I asked, fighting to keep the tremor out of my voice.

Walt leaned back slightly, his expression still holding that unreadable smile. "You're here because I need answers, Clover," he replied, his voice smooth and commanding. "And perhaps, to give you a few as well."

I swallowed hard, my throat dry. "How long... how long have I been out?" I asked, dreading the answer.

Walt glanced at his watch, the silver glinting in the dim light. "One day," he replied calmly, his gaze never leaving mine.

A rush of panic surged through me. "What about Evie?" I demanded. "Where is she? Did you—"

Walt raised a hand to stop my frantic questions, his expression softening slightly. "Relax, Clover. Evie is fine. She hasn't been harmed in any way," he reassured me. "We offered to fly her back home for her safety, but she refused to leave you behind. She's currently in her room, resting."

I let out a shaky breath, a mix of relief and worry. "She refused to leave without me?" I whispered, a small, proud smile forming despite the situation. That was just like Evie loyal to a fault.

Walt nodded. "Your friend has spirit. I can see why you care for her." He paused, leaning forward slightly. "Now, Clover... I think it's my turn to ask some questions. Like how you didn't know about us. You're a witch I thought your kind knew about people like us?"

I felt a knot tighten in my stomach. Walt's eyes bore into mine, and I knew that, whatever happened next, things would never be the same.

"My mother...she had isolated me from other beings like you. She taught me my spells and other things but she did tell stories about her experiences with vampires...oh how she hated your kind I didn't believe her of course but she was right about you guys are monsters" I say back

Walt's lips curved into a slight smile, but there was something cold behind his eyes. "Monsters? Is that what you think of us?" he asked, his voice calm, almost amused. "I suppose it's fair, given the stories your mother must have told you. But, Clover... stories have a way of twisting the truth, don't they?"

I clenched my fists, ignoring the faint tremor in my hands. "You can't twist what you are," I replied, meeting his gaze with defiance. "Your kind feeds on people. You lure them here with charm and grandeur, but you're nothing more than predators."

He chuckled softly. "Predators, perhaps. But not without reason." He leaned forward, his elbows resting on his knees. "Your mother's hatred... was she wrong, or did she simply have reason to fear us? And now, here you are, caught in the middle of a very old story."

I felt my pulse quicken, but I held his gaze. "Why are you telling me this, Walt? Why bring me here if you think my kind are your enemy?"

Walt's smile faded, and for a moment, his expression was almost somber. "Because, Clover," he said softly, "you are different. You don't know it yet, but you have a role to play here. And whether you like it or not, this is just the beginning."

I swallowed hard, the weight of his words pressing down on me. "Oh yeah, how could I forget? I have to play bride for you," I said, trying to keep my voice steady.

Walt's eyes sparkled with a predatory gleam. "Yes, that's right," he replied almost gently. "But it's not quite as simple as a regular wedding."

I frowned, my confusion growing. "So, what does this mean? Do I just marry you like a regular wedding or something?"

Walt's gaze grew serious. "Not exactly. This ceremony is much more than a mere wedding. It's an ancient tradition—one that binds you to us, not just through vows, but through a ritual that involves turning you into a vampire."

My heart skipped a beat. "Turning me into a vampire? But—what does that involve?"

Walt took a leans closer, his voice dropping to a whisper. "It involves a binding ceremony where we both must drink each other's blood to seal the bond. You'll become one of us, bound by both blood and magic."

I felt a shiver of terror run through me. "No, that's... that's too much. I can't—what if my mother finds out? She'll hate me. I don't even know if a witch can be a vampire too."

Walt's eyes softened, and he reached out to touch my arm gently. "I understand your fear. It's a lot to take in, but it's necessary. Your mother might be angered, but this is the way our tradition works. As for being a witch and a vampire, it's rare, they're called Heretics but it's not impossible. You'll have to embrace both sides of yourself."

I struggled against the wave of panic. "I don't want to lose who I am. This feels like losing everything I've known."

Walt's voice was soothing, almost comforting. "You won't lose yourself. You'll gain a new understanding of the world, a new kind of power. You'll still be a witch, but with the added strength and longevity of a vampire. It's a different path, but it doesn't erase who you were."

I looked up at him, my fear evident in my eyes. "And what if I can't handle it? What if it changes me in ways I can't control?"

Walt's expression turned serious. "I promise, I'll be here to guide you through the transition. It won't be easy, but you won't be alone. We'll face this together."

I took a deep breath, trying to steady myself. "Alright," I said quietly. "I'll do it. mother is she finds out she won't like it.

Walt's eyes narrowed slightly, his curiosity piqued. "Who is your mother?"

I hesitated, the weight of the moment heavy. "Her name is Qetsiyah," I said softly.

Walt's eyes widened slightly, the air between us thick with tension.

My Little Witch (the invitation, tvd universe crossover)Where stories live. Discover now