Part 7

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After the party, Evie and I retreated to my room to unwind and get ready for bed. We decided to turn it into a little sleepover, reminiscing about old school events, laughing, and just enjoying each other's company. The conversation flowed naturally from one topic to the next, but eventually, it shifted to Walt. As we lay there in the dim light, we had a deep and heartfelt conversation about him, exploring our thoughts and feelings in a way we hadn't before.

"Evie, I haven't told you this, but ever since we stepped foot here, I've had a bad feeling about this place... and about Walt," I admitted, my voice hushed so Walt, whose room was right across from mine, wouldn't overhear.

Evie's expression turned concerned as she asked, "Wait, Clover, what do you mean by that?"

I took a deep breath, trying to put my unease into words. "The day you met Oliver and he mentioned DeVille... that last name has been stuck in my mind ever since. I'm pretty sure I read about it in mom's grimoire, but I can't quite place it. And when I met Walt... when I shook his hand, I felt something off, Evie. I know he's incredibly attractive,b
(a/n- cs he is 😆😻...) but something just doesn't feel right."

Evie looked at me, still processing everything I had said. "Well, let's keep an eye out, just in case. But for the record, if he doesn't turn out to be a psycho killer, you and Walt should really talk. Maybe even date. I know I said I liked him too, but after seeing you two dance and the tension between you, I think you guys would make an amazing couple."

Her words caught me off guard; I had thought the same about her and Walt. But if Evie was okay with it, then maybe it was worth considering. Still, I couldn't let myself get distracted. Something was wrong with Walt, and I was determined to find out what it was.


Walter's Pov

From the moment Oliver mentioned that Evelyn's friend would be joining us, I felt a twinge of unease. A disruption to my carefully laid plans could easily unravel everything. Evelyn was meant to be the final piece in the grand design, the one to complete the ritual and secure the bloodline's power. But this friend of hers, Clover... I feared she might be a distraction, pulling Evelyn away from my influence, from my charms.

You see, I am not just any man. I am a creature of the night, a vampire who has lived through centuries. I have watched empires rise and fall, and yet, I have chosen a life of seclusion. Unlike the others, I did not seek out the company of my kind; I preferred to remain solitary, away from the complexities of vampire society. My name, though it once carried weight in another era, has been lost to time. But my purpose has never wavered until now.

The day they arrived at New Carfax Abbey, my home, everything began to change. When I first laid eyes upon Clover, I was struck by her beauty no, beauty is too simple a word. She was a vision, a creature of such grace and elegance that she could have been a muse to poets of old. When I took her hand, there was a spark, something in her expression that gave me pause, though I quickly dismissed it.

That first encounter was chaotic, full of the usual pleasantries that mortals indulge in, but I found myself savoring every moment. And then, when Clover cut her hand... the scent of her blood filled the air. It was unlike anything I had encountered in centuries rich, intoxicating, yet oddly familiar. But it wasn't human, that much I was certain. The scent gnawed at the edges of my memory, but try as I might, I could not place it. Still, I forced myself to brush it off, to stay focused on the task at hand.

Viktoria and Lucy they both understand that our union is nothing more than a means to an end, a way to secure the power and the continuation of our bloodline. Evelyn was supposed to be no different, another piece of the puzzle. I knew I would have to charm her, to bend her will until she was ready to become mine, ready to be wedded into the darkness. But Clover... Clover was different.

Her presence, her personality, her very essence they threatened to unravel everything I had worked for. I found myself thinking of her when I should have been strategizing, her laughter echoing in my mind when I should have been focusing on Evelyn. The idea of abandoning it all, of starting anew with Clover, began to seduce me. But I could not afford such thoughts. I had to see this through, to impress the others those who make up our secret society, those who demand loyalty above all else.

I had to charm Evelyn. I had to complete the ritual. But as I stood on the purpose of my destiny, Clover remained in my thoughts, a temptation more powerful than any I had known in my long, long life

Flash back

At the party,  I had excused myself from the girls, I made my way over to Viktoria. Her sharp gaze locked onto me as soon as I approached, always quick to pick up on anything out of place.

"You do realize you were dancing with the wrong girl, right, Sebastian?" she remarked, her tone laced with a hint of accusation. Her words caught me off guard, but I quickly masked any reaction.

"I know exactly what I'm doing, Viktoria," I replied, keeping my voice steady, though a flicker of irritation passed through me. "Clover is nothing more than a passing distraction, a momentary indulgence. Don't forget who you're talking to I've mastered this game."

Viktoria's eyebrow arched, skepticism written all over her face. "Sebastian, we have roles to uphold, duties to our bloodline and to the others. We can't afford to lose focus, not now. Don't tell me you've developed feelings for this Clover girl."

I forced a cold, humorless laugh, though inside, a part of me hurts at the lie I was about to tell. "Feelings? Viktoria, she's merely... refreshing, and attractive that's all. But don't mistake a fleeting interest for something deeper. My eyes are still set on Evelyn. She is the key, and I won't let anything or anyone jeopardize that."

Viktoria stepped closer, her voice dropping to a low, dangerous whisper. "You'd better remember that. We've worked too hard to let it fall apart now. Clover is a distraction you cannot afford, and you certainly can't uphold this 'Walter' facade with us or with the others. You know as well as I do that the truth will come out if you're not careful."

I met her gaze, keeping my expression cool and unreadable. "I don't need a lecture on the importance of our roles, Viktoria. I understand what's at stake better than anyone. My name may be a lie, but my intentions are not. Evelyn will be mine, and the ritual will be completed. But don't question my methods. I've kept us in power for centuries, and I'll continue to do so, with or without your approval."

She narrowed her eyes, sensing my resolve but still unconvinced. "Just remember, Sebastian, the others are watching. They won't tolerate any deviation from the plan."

"Let them watch," I said, my voice firm. "I'll play my part perfectly. But don't underestimate me, Viktoria. Clover may be a distraction, but she's also a pawn, and I know how to use every piece on the board. So play nice."

Viktoria's gaze held mine for a moment longer before she nodded, seemingly satisfied—for now.

Without another word, I turned and walked away, each step measured and deliberate. As I distanced myself from Viktoria, the weight of the hidden truth settled heavily on my shoulders. Clover remained in my thoughts, a distraction I couldn't afford, but one I couldn't seem to shake.

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