Chapter 9

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Viktoria's  POV

After that little spa session with those girls, things took an unexpected turn. Poor Evelyn managed to cut her finger, and of course, I did what came naturally tasted her blood. It was... fine. Nothing special, nothing jaw-dropping. But then, just as she pulled away, that girl Clover had the audacity to grab my wrist. How dare she? Doesn't she know who I am? What I'm capable of?

I could still feel the echo of that burn, a searing heat that wasn't normal. No, this was something else... she's not human, is she? The thought sent a shiver down my spine, but I quickly pushed it aside. Whatever she is, I'll figure it out.

After Clover and Evelyn left the spa room, Sebastian walked in, his presence instantly commanding the space. Lucy and I immediately turned to him, our expressions serious.

"Sebastian," I began, my voice low but edged with frustration. "There's something you need to know. That girl, Clover... she's not what she seems."

He raised an eyebrow, intrigued but not overly concerned. "What happened?"

"Evelyn cut her finger, and I... well, I helped myself," I said with a smirk, but then my tone turned serious. "But Clover, she grabbed my wrist, and it burned. It wasn't a normal burn, Sebastian. It was something else entirely."

Sebastian's expression darkened, his eyes narrowing as he processed my words. "What did it feel like, Viktoria? Describe it."

"It wasn't just heat," I explained, trying to put the sensation into words. "It was like... something ancient, something that wasn't supposed to exist anymore. It felt powerful and dangerous."

He nodded slowly, clearly deep in thought. "You know, the first time I met her, her blood it had a scent I haven't encountered in a long time. It was different... not quite human. That was the first sign something was off."

Lucy, who had been listening intently, leaned in, her curiosity piqued. "What are you talking about, Sebastian? What is she?"

I could see the hesitation in his eyes, but I pressed him. "Tell us, Sebastian. What did Clover do to me?"

He sighed, running a hand through his hair before finally meeting our gazes. "She's a witch," he said, his voice grave. "At least, that's what it seems like. We're not certain, but if she's as powerful as I think, we're dealing with something far more dangerous than we anticipated."

The room fell silent, the weight of his words sinking in. For a moment, none of us spoke, the realization hanging in the air like a storm about to break.


Clove's Pov

Evie and I made it back to the room, quickly changing into our pajamas. Evie was still pretty shaken up by everything that happened, so she asked to sleep in my room again, and of course, I didn't mind.

"So, missy, what was that witch thing you pulled on the evil queen?" Evie teased, a smirk on her face.

"I don't know!" I said, half-laughing. "I was just thinking about how angry I was, and I guess my magic slipped out. But honestly, she deserved it! What was that?!" I threw my hands up in disbelief, still a little amused by how absurd the whole situation was.

Evie's expression turned more serious as she sat on the edge of the bed. "Clove, the blood thing that happened... what if your mother was right about the vampire stuff?"

"Evie, you might be right," I admitted, my tone dropping to match her concern. "The feeling I get in this place... there's something off, and that last name it's been bothering me since we got here. I need to call Mom. I know it was mentioned in her grimoire."

I quickly grabbed my phone and dialed, but after a few rings, it went straight to voicemail. "Ugh, it must be late there," I muttered, frustrated as I put the phone down. "I'll call her tomorrow after the dinner. But if this vampire thing is true, Evie... we're leaving."

Evie nodded in agreement, her worry mirroring my own as we finally settled into bed, the weight of our discoveries pressing down on us both.


Sebastian's pov

As I walked through the dimly lit halls of New Carfax, my mind was anything but at ease. Viktoria's revelation gnawed at me, twisting my thoughts into a knot. A witch. Clover might be a witch. The very idea stirred something deep within me, memories of a time long past. It had been centuries since I last encountered a witch the last one being Qetsiyah, before she was sent to become the anchor for the Other Side.

Qetsiyah was powerful, cunning, and dangerous. Dealing with her had been no simple task, and the thought of facing another witch, here and now, unsettled me. But Clover... she was different. The moment I met her, I knew there was something unusual about her. Her blood it had an ancient, unfamiliar scent. A scent that had haunted my thoughts since our first meeting. Yet, despite all of this, I found myself drawn to her in ways I hadn't anticipated.

But I have duties. Responsibilities. The plan has been set in motion, and I cannot afford to deviate from it now. No matter how much I'm drawn to Clover, I have to propose to Evelyn at the dinner tonight. It's the only way to secure the future Viktoria, Lucy, and I have worked so hard for. Evelyn is the key to the bloodline, to maintaining our power. I'll do whatever it takes, even if it means forcing her to accept. I don't enjoy the thought, but it's necessary.

And yet, I can't stop thinking about Clover. Her spirit, her strength it's intoxicating. But I can't let these feelings cloud my judgment. This is about more than just my desires. I must focus on the task at hand, get through the dinner, and propose to Evelyn. Once that's done, once the bloodlines are secured, I can deal with Clover... and whatever she truly is.

For now, though, I need to keep up the charade of being Walter Deville, the charming lord with a perfect life and an even more perfect plan. No one can know the truth not about me, and certainly not about Clover. Not yet.

My Little Witch (the invitation, tvd universe crossover)Where stories live. Discover now