Chapter 15

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After breakfast, Sebastian and I cleaned up the dishes together, the easy rhythm of our movements feeling almost domestic. Once the kitchen was spotless, we decided to head outside to the lake—the place where we'd first had a real conversation that didn't involve cryptic warnings or mysterious glances.

When we reached the old oak tree by the water's edge, I spread out a blanket on the grass, and we both sat down. The gentle breeze blew across the lake, creating little ripples on the surface, and the sun warmed my skin, making everything feel almost surreal.

I leaned back on my hands, looking up at the branches above. "You know, for someone who's supposed to be a witch, I've had more than my fair share of magical mishaps." I laughed softly, remembering some of my less-than-stellar moments. "Like the time I tried to light a candle with my mind but ended up setting my own hair on fire instead."

Sebastian chuckled, his eyes lighting up with amusement. "I wish I could have seen that," he teased, his lips curling into a smile.

I rolled my eyes playfully. "Oh, it was a sight, alright. My mom had to douse me with a bucket of water. I smelled like burnt toast for a week."

He laughed, a deep, genuine sound that made my heart flutter. "And here I thought witches were supposed to be elegant and poised."

"Yeah, not this one," I said with a grin. "There was another time I tried a levitation spell. I thought I'd just lift a book or something small, but somehow I managed to lift an entire dining table...and then drop it right on my foot. Pretty sure I broke at least two toes."

Sebastian shook his head, still chuckling. "Well, at least you keep things interesting. I can't say I've met many witches who've done that."

I smirked, "I like to think of it as creative experimentation. Maybe not successful, but creative."

He smiled at me, a warm glint in his eye. "I admire your persistence."

I tilted my head, curiosity getting the better of me. "What about you? Got any good stories from your past? I'm sure centuries of being a vampire must come with a few interesting tales."

Sebastian leaned back against the tree, his expression softening as he considered my question. "Well, I suppose I have my share of stories. There was one time, back in the late 1700s, when I got caught up in a... misunderstanding with a baron's daughter. She thought I was some kind of dark prince or a ghost. It didn't help that I was hiding out in her family's manor at night."

"Wait," I laughed. "What were you doing in her house?"

"Escaping the sun, of course," he said with a playful shrug. "But when she found me, she became convinced I was there to 'take her away to my dark kingdom.'" He made air quotes with his fingers, rolling his eyes at the memory.

I giggled. "And what did you do?"

"I tried to convince her I was just a wandering poet, but she wasn't buying it. She ended up organizing a whole exorcism with the local priest," he said, a rueful smile spreading across his face. "I had to make a quick exit through the window, nearly got impaled on the iron gates. That was... an interesting night."

I laughed harder, imagining the whole scene. "So much for the mysterious vampire image."

"Hey, it's not always glamorous," he said with a chuckle. "Sometimes it's just about survival—and avoiding overzealous baron's daughters."

"So," I began, looking at Sebastian with a thoughtful expression, "how exactly can you walk in the sun without, you know, bursting into flames?"

He chuckled softly, clearly amused by my question. "That would be thanks to this." He held up his hand, showing off a silver ring with an intricate design. The gemstone at its center shimmered faintly in the sunlight.

My Little Witch (the invitation, tvd universe crossover)Where stories live. Discover now