my chemical romance

493 56 30

Direct message > with Calum5SOS

Calum5SOS: Let me guess, the next is One Direction

darcyisapizza: wroooooong, i like them but they're not a band, they're a boyband and they aren't in the list

darcyisapizza: the next is my chemical romance

Calum5SOS: Oh, I've heard some songs of them. I'll listen them more

darcyisapizza: you must

darcyisapizza: i love them 'cause they're the first band i liked, "helena" is the firt song i learnt in english (you know i'm spanish)

darcyisapizza: and they're the band i grew up with

Calum5SOS: aww

darcyisapizza: you should listen "helena"

Calum5SOS: or maybe you should sing it to me

darcyisapizza: ha-ha-ha you're so funny...

La verdad es que no conozco mucho a esta banda, ¿me recomiendan alguna canción? He escuchado alguna que otra, pero no demasiadas

-alwaysyours ♡

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