5 seconds of summer

259 34 38

Direct message > with Calum5SOS

Calum5SOS: this is the last band, right?

darcyisapizza: yep :(

Calum5SOS: well, tell me that band

darcyisapizza: i'm not sure if you know them, but it's call 5 Seconds Of Summer

Calum5SOS: ugh, they suck

darcyisapizza: i think you're wrong, they're all amazing, their songs, their voices...

darcyisapizza: and they're all hot and seem nice

darcyisapizza: the drummer, the two guitars...

Calum5SOS: and what about the bassist?

darcyisapizza: he's my favourite, I think, he's so hot and his voice is amazing and how he plays bass... i think i love him, is that crazy?

Calum5SOS: fuck Izzy, stop writing and open the door

darcyisapizza: wtf, cal?!

Calum5SOS: hi =]

¡¡¡¡Tachááááááááán!!!!! Bueno, esta es la última banda y por lo tanto el último capítulo, pero aún queda el epílogo.

-alwaysyours ♡

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