
186 31 24

[Maratón 1/4]

Direct message > with Calum5SOS

Calum5SOS: bonjour

darcyisapizza: why french?

Calum5SOS: Don't know, I just like it

darcyisapizza: well i like bastille

Calum5SOS: next band?

darcyisapizza: next band

Calum5SOS: I've heard about them, people say one of them can do higher notes than Zayn Malik

darcyisapizza: that's true

Calum5SOS: that's not possible

darcyisapizza: check by yourself

Calum5SOS: oh f*ck

No sé si es cierto o no ya que no los escucho, lo he visto por internet, pero si lo es, ese tío debe ser de otra galaxia

-alwaysyours ♡

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