tokio hotel

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Direct message > with Calum5SOS

darcyisapizza: calum, have you really lost your passport?

Calum5SOS: yep...

darcyisapizza: again?

Calum5SOS: yep...

darcyisapizza: well... i was going to talk you about tokio hotel

Calum5SOS: I love them

darcyisapizza: yeah, also i, my old brother loved them since the beginning and listened them a lot an had posters; and last year or some months ago i listened them again

darcyisapizza: and it was like meeting again with an old friend

Calum5SOS: Wow

Calum5SOS: I think I wanna meet your brother

darcyisapizza: well, he doesn't

Calum5SOS: ur so nice...

darcyisapizza: :)

Amo a esos dos, enserio xd Si no conocéis Tokio Hotel, no sois de este planeta. Recuerdo que hace tiempo los escuchaba con mi prima.
Btw, ¿os gusta la nueva portada? Ya sé que a @pizzaylor sí, pero quiero saber vuestras opiniones.

Spam time: He subido el segundo fanfic de la saga Preferences, se llama Books y es de Luke, pasaos pls

-alwaysyours ♡

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