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Direct message > with Calum5SOS

Calum5SOS: Hola, sorry I left. Michael hid my phone bc I was late for the concert

darcyisapizza: donut worry (i'm hungry), how was it?

Calum5SOS: It was a crazy!! I love San Diego, seriously

darcyisapizza: is it because Vic, Mike and Jaime are from it? *insert whastapp moon*

Calum5SOS: Em... no (? Well, next band 

darcyisapizza: black veil brides

Calum5SOS: They have a girl, right?

darcyisapizza: ASHLEY ISN'T A GIRL

Calum5SOS: I love when you use capital letters, it's so special...

darcyisapizza: it's 'cause i'm screaming, and i love bvb bc their letters are so perfect...

darcyisapizza: my best friend says she identify with the majority of them, i don't but i love them

darcyisapizza: and probably bc they're all perfect

Calum5SOS: I'm perfect

darcyisapizza: oh shut up

Y se me olvidó añadir que la voz de Andy es como demasiado increíble. Las notas de los capítulos son muy cortas porque no sé que decir ya que estoy escribiendo todos los capítulos del tirón.

-alwaysyours ♡

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