the killers

198 31 6

Direct message > with The Killers

darcyisapizza: how is tour going?

Calum5SOS: only four more concerts and it's ended

darcyisapizza: oh :/

Calum5SOS: well, talk me about your bands

darcyisapizza: the killers

darcyisapizza: have you ever seen some hair like those?! omg they're amazing

darcyisapizza: their music is always great, and diana agron from glee appears

darcyisapizza: mr. brigtside is an explication by itself

Calum5SOS: you're such a fangirl

darcyisapizza: not, really?

Calum5SOS: you're also amazing

Los he tenido que escuchar alguna vez, me suenan demasiado.

-alwaysyours ♡

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